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"You smell of blood," Allmer's deep voice rumbled from behind me, each word laden with concern and a hint of restrained fury. I froze, feeling a rush of emotions surge within me, threatening to overwhelm my senses.

His concern for my wellbeing, even though our differences from yesterday is still not sorted, was like a soothing balm to my weary soul, calming the storm of doubts and fears that had been raging within me since yesterday's incident.

"I'M SORRY," I blurted out, the words escaping my lips before I could even process them fully. Allmer's emerald eyes widened in surprise, a faint furrow appearing between his brows as he processed my unexpected apology.

"Why are you apologizing, little one?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine confusion.

"For yesterday," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper as I met his gaze. The weight of my words hung heavy between us, the silence stretching taut like a bowstring as I waited for his response.

But instead of anger or disappointment, all I saw in Allmer's eyes was a profound sense of understanding and acceptance. "You've got nothing to be sorry for," he said softly, his voice tinged with warmth and reassurance. "It's me who's ashamed to have pushed the line."

My heart swelled with gratitude at his words, the weight of guilt slowly lifting from my shoulders like a heavy burden relinquished at last. "No, Al," I protested, shaking my head slightly as I tried to find the right words to express the jumble of emotions swirling within me. "I did a lot of thinking after yesterday. I know... I'm not the best. Since you came, I've been relying on you so much. For food, daily things, everything. But even with all this, I'm still afraid to accept you as my partner just because... Okay, yeah, I'm afraid. Very much about how future will turn out, if I'll be able to return, if you'll be able to come too and what not."

As the words spilled from my lips, I felt a sense of liberation wash over me, as if finally voicing my fears had stripped them of their power over me. And yet, even as I spoke, a nagging sense of uncertainty lingered at the edges of my consciousness, reminding me of all the risks and unknowns that lay ahead.

"But I'm willing to try," I continued, my voice gaining strength with each word. "Everything is uncertain, but I'm willing to try to be... proper partners." 'Mates' seemed too much of a foreign word and 'boyfriend' felt too out of this world.

As I met Allmer's gaze once more, I saw a flicker of something in his eyes, a glimmer of hope and possibility that sent a thrill of anticipation coursing through my veins.

**I know this chapter is. But short >< But thank you for reading!

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