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Allmer :

As I nestled closer to Shira, I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her into a gentle embrace. The warmth of her body against mine sent a comforting ripple through me, soothing the lingering ache of uncertainty that had plagued me since yesterday's incident. I knew I was treading the line, hugging her without consent but I need her to start being comfortable around my touch.

"Thank you for trusting me. You won't regret it," I murmured softly, my voice filled with genuine gratitude as I pressed my cheek against her shoulder, savoring the familiar scent of her hair. I'd thought after yesterday's incident, she'll be even more hesitant and distant around me.

Feeling her shiver beneath my touch, I gently raised my head, my gaze meeting hers as I brushed my nose against the curve of her neck. A surge of longing coursed through me, the desire to feel her almost overwhelming in its intensity. But as I met her eyes, I saw a flicker of nervousness or hesitation there.

"Are you afraid of me?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper as I searched her eyes for any sign of fear or uncertainty. The thought of causing her any harm filled me with a deep sense of remorse, and I longed to assure her of my commitment to her safety.

Her response was resolute, her voice steady despite the fluttering of her heart. "Your snake form, yes, very. But you, no," she replied, her words echoing with a sense of trust and faith that filled me with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. The best thing about Shira is, she's always direct and honest. With us being already from so different worlds, it'd be a nightmare to understand her intensions if she'd talk in round about manner or left me to guess her feelings.

Relief washed over me at her words, a weight lifting from my shoulders as I realized that despite the uncertainties that lay ahead, she still believed in me, still trusted me.

"You aren't afraid I'll hurt you?" I inquired, my voice laced with uncertainty and even slight mischief as I searched her eyes for reassurance. After spending just one day with the other females, Shira must have gleaned insights into the nature of ferals, and I couldn't help but wonder where we would need to find common ground to make this relationship work. The doubt and insecurity reflected in her gaze tugged at my heartstrings, stirring a profound sense of regret within me to have even asked this.

Leaning forward, I pressed a tender kiss to her forehead, a silent promise. "Never, little one," I whispered, my voice filled with conviction as I met her gaze, my heart swelling with love and gratitude for the woman before me. "I'll always only protect you."

As I reached for her hand, intertwining my fingers with hers in a silent promise of solidarity, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. "Together, right?" I asked, a smile playing on my lips as I met her gaze, the weight of her trust and faith in me filling me with a sense of purpose and determination.

Her nod was all the confirmation I needed, a silent affirmation.

And then I felt it—her toughened skin, certainly not calloused from laborious tasks. Knowing what a pampered princess she was, she certainly hadn't acquired this by toiling away in her world. The last time I held her hand, it was smooth, without a single scar in sight. This must be the place where she was injured and bled out. By the smell of the blood, the injury must be deeper than all the scars she accumulated after falling from that cliff due to that fortunate bug.

"So, care to tell me now who hurt you?" I asked, my voice firm and resolute. I had chosen to stay in this City because of the protection it offered, even when I was away. But if there were people who wanted to harm my mate, I'd rather show them the true nature of ferals, so they'd think twice before ever crossing paths with her.

**This part should have been added in yesterday's chapter but it needed a lot more editing, so yeah here it is ><

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