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As the morning sun cast its glow on the city of beasts, I felt a sudden surge of determination. Enough of sitting around, making friends. It was time to do something—time to unravel the mystery that held me captive in this bewildering world. The worry about my family back home provided the clarity I needed.

With a handful of pear-shaped fruits stuffing my mouth, I made my way toward the city gates. The guards raised an eyebrow, questioning my intent. I explained my simple plan to climb a small plateau nearby for a better view of the terrain. Many females frequented the spot to overlook the city and the surrounding forest, so the guards reluctantly let me through as they very well could hear me from that much distance and deemed it safe for a female to go alone.

My computer-bound body that just liked watching anime and kdrama, god how much I miss those,  protested with every step, the 1km climb stealing the air from my lungs. Note to self: hit the gym—maybe once a week, or at least that's the optimistic goal. From the plateau's summit, the city sprawled below, the river reflecting the sunlight like a lifeline against the memory of those menacing ugly scorpions.

Surveying the surrounding forest, I sighed. Everything looked the same, the green landscape extending endlessly. My glasses could have been handy here, but alas, I now knew that the entire expanse was a vast forest, varying shades of green. The hope of spotting other cities evaporated, leaving me with more questions.

Okay, no issues. Let's focus on the next thing I can do. Inquire about any person who seemed odd or didn't know anything about this world. Maybe I can find someone who got isekaied like myself here, without the help of truck-kun.

Seating myself to rest, I observed the landscape. On the opposite side of the plateau, a dense forest loomed at a lower altitude than the city. It felt like the breeding ground for all kinds of weird, dangerous beasts. The mere thought made my stomach churn. The high altitude started making me dizzy. Time to head back then.

A peculiar sensation on my arm shifted my attention. There it was—an ugly red and black caterpillar. Panic set in, and I swatted my arm to shoo it away. The critter complied, but so did I—off the cliff, into the deep forest below.

The scream echoed through the air as I plummeted, the descent a wild, stomach-churning roller coaster. The forest floor rushed up to meet me, and the last thing I remember is the overwhelming fear before unconsciousness claimed me. In hindsight, it turns out caterpillars can be quite the unexpected travel companions.

**Hi everyone. Thank you so much for reading! Your votes and comments really do motivate me to write more. A little heads up, the next male lead will make his appearance soon :)

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