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**This is how I pictured Allmer. Hope you like him :) This image is not mine and is taken from the internet. All credits to the original artist.

I knew Ferals were said to be unpredictable, often desiring to be the sole male for their mate even in this polyandrous beast world, but I thought Allmer was a bit different. Perhaps it was because he had saved me and taken care of me or knew about my world. I tried to calm my racing heart, but his proximity was making me uncomfortably warm.

"Allmer, get off, it's making me uncomfortable," I squeaked out, feeling a surge of both anxiety and a strange fluttering sensation.

"Mhmm," was his only reply, and then he buried his face in my hair, pressing a soft, cold kiss on my collarbone. Damn. His lips felt so tender against my skin, sending a shiver through my body. Instinctively, in my panic from this sudden intimacy, I kicked him with my heel. Suddenly, I was no longer held in his embrace, and the sudden distance felt oddly relieving. I heard a loud thud and turned around to find Allmer on the other side of the room, rubbing his head as if he had hit it against the wall.

"Huh? What happened?" I was confused. Just moments ago, he wouldn't let go of me, and now he was on the opposite end of the room.

"Damn, Shira. Did you really think that the kiss was a life-threatening situation that you used my power from your mark against me?" He was still rubbing his head.

"Wait? I threw you across the room? No, before that, why did you hug me and get so close!?" I exclaimed, bewildered by the sudden turn of events.

Allmer slowly slithered towards me. His eyes seemed more focused now, unlike a few moments ago. "You're on your periods. Here, that's considered the time to mate. During that time, females smell so incredible that it's very hard for males to control themselves," he explained.

I was at a loss for words. Now that I looked down, my lovely pants were indeed soiled a little red. "Oh," it made a little sense now.

"Wait here, I'll get you some cotton. I'll tell the wolf to guard outside, but don't talk to him or come outside," Allmer instructed.

"I thought you told me you were very old, but still, you're affected by the smell?" I asked cautiously.

Allmer smiled a bit. "I am a bit ancient, but even I'm not resistant to my mate's charm," and with this, he slithered away, leaving me in a state of mild embarrassment and confusion.

Ace came to stand outside the house in a few minutes but strictly avoided looking at me. "Ace!" I called from inside. He still refused to meet my eyes but replied, "You're on your estrus cycle, Shira. It'll be better if I don't see or talk to you right now. It's a little hard to control myself," he explained, his ears tinged red.

Oh, it made sense. If, as Allmer said, my scent affected him, even though Ace was stronger, perhaps it influenced him too. Suddenly, it hit me—I had to deal with my periods. Urgently, I got up and dashed outside.

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