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Staring down the colossal scorpion, fear rooted me in place. Instinct warned me that running would be futile; those massive pincers could catch me in a heartbeat. So, I stood there, frozen, heart pounding like a drumroll signaling my doom. As the scorpion approached, I braced for the worst, convinced this was the end.

The monstrous arachnid moved with a fluid grace, its armored exoskeleton gleaming in the dappled sunlight filtering through the forest canopy. Each limb, tipped with razor-sharp claws, left imprints on the soft earth as it closed the distance. My breath hitched as its tail, the size of a tree trunk, encircled my waist. Lifted effortlessly, I dangled mid-air, helpless, and then unceremoniously dumped near three other women.

I struggled to breathe, heart racing, caught in a whirlwind of terror. One of the women, her hair a fiery red, approached me with comforting gestures, rubbing my back. Soft words escaped her lips, "It's fine, calm down. We are here. It'll be alright." But as the scorpion's looming presence cast a shadow, one of the women, with jet-black hair, started to sob. Their strange animal markings, intricate patterns resembling tattoos, marked them as inhabitants of this beastly world. Kidnapped, like me, most likely.

As I began to regain composure, I asked, pointing towards the colossal scorpion, "Will that kill us?" The red-haired woman turned somber, meeting my gaze. "Likely not. Just rape and keep us to give birth to its children. Typical feral." Her words hung heavy in the air. Another woman, with chestnut-brown hair, whispered, "Better than dying, I guess," her eyes mirroring silent tears. A grim reality settled over us – a world where survival meant enduring the unimaginable.

With a bit of newfound calm, I considered our options. Defeating such a monstrous creature seemed impossible. The river, a rushing force nearby, appeared to be our only hope. My mind raced as I formulated a plan. I couldn't let fear dictate our fate; we had to try something.

Just as I prepared to make a desperate move, another scorpion entered the clearing. The moment was now or never. Gathering my courage, I shouted, "I'd rather die trying to escape!" With that, I sprinted towards the water's edge and leaped in. The other women, startled by my seemingly suicidal act, watched in disbelief. Yet, to my surprise, the one who had been sobbing joined me, followed by the others.

The scorpions stood there, momentarily shocked. Females who, by all expectations, would cling to life, had instead chosen a daring escape. We were swept away by the current, leaving the scorpions agitated on the shore.
They tried following, turing into their human forms and running, but the current was faster and soon they were just specks in distance, not that I could see clearly without my specs.

As I navigated the tumultuous river, my mind swirled with thoughts. The cold water embraced me like a turbulent refuge, washing away the fear but leaving a residue of determination. I did my best to keep my face above water, but I definitely did swallow some. The roar of the river drowned out the distant cries of the scorpions, and for a moment, it felt like freedom. We had chosen the unknown over a grim fate, and only time would reveal if our desperate gamble would lead us to safety or into a different kind of perilous adventure.

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