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The morning sun cast a soft glow on our dwelling as I woke up, tangled in a web of sadness and restlessness. As I shifted, I noticed Allmer was already outside, arranging an assortment of fruits for my brunch. A heavy atmosphere lingered, and my mind was cluttered with thoughts of how to apologize and explain that I'll give his advice a thought.

Before I could voice my feelings, Allmer came inside. Seeing me up, he leaned in and placed a firm kiss on my cheek, his face unreadable. His eyes bore into mine, and with a hint of determination, he spoke, "I'll be out the whole day today. Stay within the city, near the river with the other females, or have Ace accompany you. Understand?"

I nodded silently, but a torrent of questions flooded my mind. Why did he need to be away for so long suddenly? Was he still angry with me? Had I disappointed him so much? The weight of my actions clung to me, and an unsettling sense of unease lingered as he left after I ate few fruits in silence, leaving me to navigate the day without him.

The day hung heavy with solitude as I stepped outside, the remnants of the morning's unease lingering. The fruits Allmer had arranged for me sat half untouched, a silent testament to his departure without a single word or explanation.

With Ace occupied in scouting and hunting today (just my luck), the city felt safe but intimidating in its emptiness. The midday shadows whispered untold tales, and the weight of solitude pressed down on me as I headed to the familiar spot near the river, where we three hung out regularly and I practice using Allmer's power, with no progress. The sun, now in its midday glory, cast reflections on the gently flowing water.

The absence of Allmer's and Ace's company was very noticeable, and I doubt Allmer knew that Ace will be out today too, else he wouldn't have left, or so I believe. After last night's silent argument, I wasn't sure what to believe, though thinking that Allmer left me just cause of that makes it unbearable, so it's better I switch off my mind till evening.

  I also knew it was time to bridge the gap with the other females. I had been hesitant to spend much time with them since my return, and the need to mend those bridges tugged at me. Their random gossips are great help to fit in this beastworld.

Near the riverbank, I spotted a small wood log, an ideal candidate for a crafting session and spend the time. It was small and looked not too hard. Ace's dagger, which he had given me few weeks back, initially intended for self-defense, now became a tool for my carving. Its sharpness made it perfect for intricate work, and I began to carefully shave away at the wood, focusing on the comb I envisioned to hopefully craft. I'd better start carrying this dagger around, since channeling Allmer's power is a dead-end.

As the afternoon stretched ahead, the rhythmic sound of carving blended with the gentle rustle of the river. With every delicate stroke, I crafted the comb, envisioning it as a peace offering to Allmer, though I doubt he has use for a comb, seeing how his perfectly straight hair never seems to tangle. Hopefully he'll recognise this as my effort to reciprocate and  slowly accept the bond that fate had woven between us.

**Thank you for reading!!! The draft for the next 10-12 chapters are ready and I so want to do a mass update but due to my busy schedule (my vacation ended), I'm not getting time to make the final edits ><><

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