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**This is how I imagine Iker. Even though he has same hair and eye color like Ace, Iker is more on the softer looking side. I made this pic using pixai, thus all rights to the original artist.

"Oh, you could tell?" I responded, slightly surprised by Allmer's keen senses. Beastmen indeed had a remarkable ability to detect scents.

Allmer's tone grew low and threatening as he inquired, "Who was it?" His protectiveness was evident, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of gratitude and hesitation. Did he really want to be more than just a guardian?

"Calm down. Just a tiger beastman. I bumped into him because it was dark. Though he was quite rude," I explained, trying to downplay the encounter. Allmer, however, emitted a growl in response, clearly irritated by the thought of someone being impolite to me.

As his protective demeanor surfaced, I started to realize that maybe Allmer did want to be a proper mate, maybe expecting mutual feelings. The mark on my neck held more significance than I initially thought. I knew I needed to have a proper conversation with him about this, to understand his expectations and convey my own feelings.

"Felix is the most rude male in the village. Maybe that's why no female wants him as a mate, even though he recently became a tetra-striped," Ace chimed in with his perspective. "He too is a tetra-striped?" I asked, surprised that someone even younger than Ace could achieve four marks. Ace confirmed, "Yeah, it's impressive for someone so young to achieve four marks."

"Still doesn't give him the right to not respect females" Allmer added with a venomous tone, indicating his displeasure. It was evident that Felix's behavior had struck a nerve with him, and a subtle anger simmered beneath the surface.

"It's fine, Allmer. I didn't just take his words. Plus, there was some eagle beastman who came to stop him," I reassured Allmer, hoping to ease the tension and extract myself from his embrace. "Mhmm, must be Iker. He's a 3-stripe. He practically makes sure Felix doesn't cause too much trouble," Ace commented as he leaned back against a tree to rest. I stayed in the same position between Allmer, sensing that getting up might worsen his still sour mood. Perhaps giving him some time would help.

With nothing else to focus on, I turned my attention to the matches. That's when I noticed the remarkably beautiful male, Iker, whom Ace had mentioned earlier. He stepped onto the platform, and his opponent was a bear. The match unfolded with a captivating display of strength and agility. Iker moved as if he were dancing, gliding smoothly across the platform and executing precise attacks. There was an undeniable grace about him that captivated my attention, and I found it difficult to look away. Each movement seemed choreographed, turning the match into a mesmerizing performance.

Of course, Iker emerged victorious, descending from the platform unscathed while his opponent bore the marks of the fierce battle. As he prepared to leave, I could have sworn our eyes met, and I could tell especially due to my improved eyesight thanks to Allmer's emerald. A smirk played on his lips, leaving me momentarily entranced. Now I understood the frenzy around fan meets - a smile from your favorite idol, would have felt like a moment of pure joy.

I was lost in my thoughts, soaking in the exhilarating encounter when suddenly Allmer pressed his chest against my back, his arms wrapped around my stomach, pulling me back into him.

His tongue traced a path along the side of my neck, right where I had his mark. The sensation sent a shiver down my spine.

**Thank you so much everyone for giving your suggestions in the last chapter regarding ferals!! I'll have to think a lot on which feral should be introduced (yup as a potential mate). Hopefully you all will meet him soon!

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