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The city was buzzing with life, but my mind was in a whirlwind as I navigated through the lively crowd. Shira and Allmer's presence had turned my thoughts chaotic, blending with the sounds of the market.

I decided to escape the commotion and found myself in the outskirts, my hand repeatedly hitting the solidarity of a tree trunk. A feeble attempt to quell the storm within me, physically acting out the inner turmoil. Tetra beastman or not, my instincts rebelled against the control I usually maintained.

Allmer was there by Shira's side, and even though we were good friends – great friends, there was a nagging part of me that wished I could be the one beside her. The cravings, the longing for a kiss, to hear her say my name, surged within me. I wrestled against these instincts, striking the tree as if it could beat these thoughts into submission.

I had thought being a tetra beastman would grant me better control over these instincts, but Shira's closeness was proving otherwise. Memories of another bear shifter, foolishly smitten with Shira, and lying about wanting only to be a guardian, lingered in my thoughts. Shira didn't show but she clearly was hurt when he asked be her mate, she had started considering him a friend. I had approached Shira with sincerity, offering nothing but friendship. I couldn't let these base instincts jeopardize the bond we shared.

Shira and I had a friendship that was rare in the beast world. The teasing from her friends, especially the red head, suggesting we should be more than friends, often stirred these dormant feelings. However, Shira, despite her nervous reactions, insisted that our relationship was strictly friendly. I valued that connection too much to risk it for something more.

Taking refuge in the river, I submerged myself in the cool waters, hoping the physical sensation would dampen the storm in my mind. I decided to return to Shira's home, genuine concerned for her well-being.

Shira looked visibly uncomfortable, stirring a growing worry within me. Did Allmer know how to care for females during such times? As I pondered what I could do to help, I recalled Shira's desire for a change in her diet and collect the ingredients herself after few days for a flavorful stone fruit dish to break the monotony of her fruit-only meals. Buying is a lot easy especially when you have loads of crystal, hence I decided to bring her ingredients that might lift her spirits and cook it for her.

Loaded with stone fruits and spices, I retraced my steps back to Shira's dwelling, eager to offer her comfort and, perhaps, a taste of something delightful.

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