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The rest of the evening unfolded in a tranquil manner, albeit the stares we received from the onlookers. After bidding Ace goodbye, Allmer and I strolled back to our dwelling in a contemplative silence. Tonight, I must address my concerns with Allmer.

Once we stepped inside, Allmer who was behind me, suddenly rested his hands on my waist.

"Shall we continue it here as you suggested little one?",he whispered in my ear, his voice low and sultry, his chest pressed against my back. I could feel his hot breath near my earlobe.

I straightened my back. "Allmer. Take. Your. Hands. Off" I spoke in a low serious tone. Immediately his hands were off and he stepped back. "I'm sorry. I should have asked before touching" he said, having realised that maybe he took his flirting a bit far.

"Glad you realised" I said looking straight in his eyes. I'm glad I met someone so normal in this beastworld, who atleast knows the basic meaning of consent and acknowledges when he was out of line. I had seen plenty of women here who are gaslighted by their males, believing that they don't have the right to say "no" or that the mate has full authority over them and can be physical whenever they want.

"Allmer, I need to talk," I asserted. This was the moment; I need to sort things out.

"Sure" Allmer nodded, acknowledging my intention and sat down after me.

"You had told me you didn't want a mate" I started, remembering how he had explained his reasons for not wanting a mate.

"That I did" he replied matter of factly.

"I know beastmen here pursue any female they see at a glance, but you did tell me the first time we met that you have no interest in any relations. So why now?" I ask, directly coming to the point. Knowing Allmer, he doesn't like round about talk.

"My words still hold true, little one," he said with a one sided smile. "I don't expect anything from you. But that doesn't mean I won't try to make you like me more. Fate has given me a mate. So even if was accidentally, it doesn't mean I'll not treat my mate the best I can. Especially when my mate is so adorable," he added with a sly smile.

This guy, really has a way with words.

"Though if you feel uncomfortable with my advances, feel free to reprimand me. But I do hope you, too, will consider the possibility of us being like real mates and caring for each other," he continued slowly, his words sincere.

My brows furrowed. I was not liking this direction. I didn't hate Allmer's touches. Infact, I kinda liked him touching me casually. Made me have all those butterflies in my stomach that I used to have while watching shoujo anime.


"I'll be returning Allmer. Even if it takes me years, I'll still keep trying until I do return. I don't want to start something with you only to leave behind everything later. And I keep getting so much help from you. I'm very grateful for it but I don't feel comfortable you treating me with so much...." I pause for a bit. What he kept doing was too close to be called caring as friends.

"What you keep doing out of infatuation or love. I don't like being on the receiving end when I know you deserve it too and I can't give it." I complete.

I like Allmer. I know that much. He's the most perfect guy I've met, he's considerate, treats me well, takes a extra step to make sure I'm okay. And even if he didn't before, after the mark, he seems to like me too. But I don't want to invest time and be in a serious relationship, when I know I'll get emotionally attached and it'll be hard to bear.

There was a heavy silence for few seconds. Allmer kept looking at my feet, maybe lost in thought. Finally he broke the silence.

"You're a coward huh. You don't want to live in present just cause you worry about the future. Did you even think of a scenario where I'll be willing to go with you to your world? No. You just keep assuming things." He said with a heavy tired voice.

"Shira" Allmer continued, looking straight in my eyes. "You need to give things chance and see where it leads you. That's all I'll say. If you don't want us to be actual mates, I'm fine with that, I'll still treat you the same. But think hard on how you are currently living, your mindset. You'll need to be flexible if you want to survive and go back to your family", Allmer said. And with this he got up and returned to his side of the house to go to sleep.

Ouch. That was too direct even for Allmer. And his words hurt. It really did alot. I now feel angry at him cause he is not going through my situation and can never understand it but a small part of my mind knew he was somewhat right.

The rest of the night went uneasy, restless.

**Thank you so much for reading! I really love seeing you all comment your thoughts!!
PS : I made this chapter extra long ><

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