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Allmer's puzzled expression transformed into a smile as I voiced my newfound determination. "Finally accepting reality now, are we, little one?" he quipped. "Yeah, I at least need to protect myself a bit. Can't always rely on you and Ace."

"Well, that's good. I like my woman to be strong," Allmer joked, and I couldn't help but side-eye him. "You mean to say, before accidentally becoming my mate, you pursued strong women and asked to be their mate, Allmer?" I teased, though deep down, I wasn't sure I wanted to hear the answer.

"Not at all, little one. You are my first, with whom I'll do my first of everything, so don't be jealous," Allmer playfully tapped my nose. "Let's go," and with that, he gracefully slithered outside.

Well, if anything, I was kind of happy.

Allmer led us to the familiar riverbank. He waited patiently, giving me a moment to slip into the water for a quick bath. These past days had been a chaotic mix of emotions, and I found myself wanting to wash away not only the physical grime but also the shame that lingered.

The memories of those days were almost too embarrassing to confront. Unable to venture outside, I had neglected basic hygiene – no baths, no toothbrushing. The solution of using raw cotton for my periods had been the most logical resort, and, well, Allmer had taken care of disposing of the used ones while I was asleep. My embarrassment ran so deep that I hadn't mustered the energy to argue with him about it.

As I immersed myself in the cleansing water, I resolved to be better prepared next month. The idea of collecting those items and disposing of them myself seemed far more appealing than facing another round of mortification with Allmer.

After my quick bath, Allmer sat by the riverbank. He found a comfortable spot on a large stone beneath the shade of a towering tree, its branches rustling with a gentle breeze. I stood beside him, intrigued by what he was about to teach me.

"Just try to find the connection that binds both of us," Allmer instructed, his voice carrying a calm assurance. "Think of me, envision drawing my power towards you, and when you sense it, push the tree trunk."

Seemed simple enough, I thought. I closed my eyes, conjuring images of Allmer in my mind. His sharp red gaze, his long silky white hair, and, I intentionally skipped over his perfectly sculpted chest. I couldn't afford my thoughts to wander into territory that would distract me. What if I accidentally let my intrusive thoughts win? And roam my hands over those hard perfect abs?

"Stop daydreaming," Allmer chimed in with a knowing tone.

"I'M NOT," I hastily replied, my eyes still tightly shut. Okay, focus, Shira. On Allmer. Our bond. Can I see it? Maybe not visually, but there was a definite sense of connection. Perhaps this was the power he wanted me to tap into. Encouraged, I opened my eyes and aimed a punch at the tree.

"Ouuuuu," I winced, feeling an immediate surge of pain through my hand. It hurt like hell, and I couldn't help but groan in discomfort. Maybe mastering this newfound power wouldn't be as painless as I hoped.

**Oops sorry guys for such a late update. I had my exams going on and after that, I kinda went on an anime binge watching (of My happy marriage, The apothecary diaries. Trust me, they are SO worth watching).
Anyway, I'm glad you all are enjoying the story!

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