Camp fire

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As evening descended, we gathered around the campfire. The flickering flames cast a warm glow, the early chills of winter giving cozy vibe. The WWE for the newly arrived unmated beastmen commenced, a spectacle where females chose additional mates from the newcomers.

This time, Allmer and I, sat by our own personal fire. The reason wasn't lost on me. Since my return, a subtle sense of avoidance lingered in the air. Even Nea, who had become a close friend, now smiled at me from a distance. It seemed I needed to rebuild some connections. Perhaps it's the stigma of being a feral, though mated, even though they couldn't fathom the true nature of Allmer and his considerate demeanor or how kind and caring he has been to me.

As the WWE unfolded, a myriad of beastmen, predominantly tigers and eagles, showcased their majestic presence. I couldn't help but ponder whether this inherent magnificence was characteristic of all beastmen or if the carnivorous nature of these particular clans played a role. A whimsical thought crossed my mind – perhaps herbivore beastmen, like sheep, would exude a more docile aura.

Suddenly, the call of nature struck, likely fueled by the sizable amount of water I had consumed. I leaned towards Allmer and whispered, "Allmer, I'll just go and come back real quick. Need to go to the sandpit." Allmer began to rise, ever the attentive companion. "Okay, let's go," he responded calmly. Here, bathroom breaks were a matter of fact, lacking the awkwardness I was accustomed to in my world.

"No, it's fine. It's just a few meters from here. You sit; I'll be back in a minute." Perhaps it was my own awkwardness in restroom matters, always evident when Allmer accompanied me, that prompted him to concede. Aware of the keen hearing abilities of beastmen, I should firmly resist making him follow me for such trivial tasks.

"Sure, but don't get into trouble," he nodded, offering a serious instruction. I couldn't help but roll my eyes playfully. "Trouble with going to the sandpit. Seriously, Allmer?" I retorted, giving him the classic "are you serious?" look. His sidelong glance communicated that he wouldn't put it past me to find trouble even in such routine activities.

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