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The piercing scream echoed through the mountainous terrain, a stark cry that pierced the otherwise tranquil air. Alarmed guards swiftly ascended the small mountain, fear gripping them as they anticipated the worst. However, upon reaching the summit, there was an eerie absence of the solitary female. Only the lingering scent hinted at her presence, leading them to a chilling conclusion—she had fallen down the cliff, her fate sealed in a deadly descent.

With a heavy heart, the guards descended, the weight of their failure palpable. The wolf king, upon hearing the news, responded swiftly to the loss. A search party was assembled, a testament to the value placed on every female of the city. Loss of a female was a graet concern. Concern rippled through the community; even those who had not interacted directly with Shira felt a pang of loss. Everyone knew about the lone female who had refused to accept a male till she recovers few of her memories. Few called her stupid and few admired her decision. Nea, who had formed an unexpected bond with Shira, shared in the collective worry. She liked spending time with the girl, answering her silly questions about the world and also admired the girl's maturity. The daily routines disrupted, the city was enveloped in an atmosphere of shared sorrow. Everyone knew only a corpse, if lucky, will return.

Amid the commotion, Ace, stunned by the news, found himself grappling with a torrent of emotions. Self-blame gnawed at him; perhaps he could have been more explicit about the dangers of the outside world. Shira, the one who had unwittingly become a cherished friend, faced an abyss, and Ace couldn't shake off the remorse that clawed at him.

He couldn't fathom the thought of Shira's lifeless body lying at the foot of that cliff, her curious and playful nature silenced by the cruelty of fate. In a sudden surge of guilt, Ace blamed himself for not expressing his growing affection for her. The regret deepened as he realized that he should have requested permission, not to court her, but to be there for her, to ease the burden she carried alone.

Remorseful, Ace set out into the woods, propelled by an overwhelming urge to find Shira, if only to salvage a glimmer of hope. His strides were determined, fueled by the guilt that coursed through him. He reproached himself for not fortifying her against the dangers, for not being reliable enough to prevent her solo journey outside the city gates. As he ventured into the depths of the forest, the shadows of trees above mirrored the darkness that enveloped his conscience.

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