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I continued carefully scraping the wood, knowing there's still few hours before either Ace returns or the females come out. I'd always been good with hands and love art and knowing there isn't much I can do for Allmer in this world, making this trinket is the only thing I can think of.

Or maybe I can make food for Allmer? Though he is carnivore, I've seen him eat few fruits sometimes, so maybe he'll like the cooked dishes I'll make? I was also super bored of eating fruits everyday and can't exactly ask Ace to make that stone fruit dish he made for me again. And from what I've gathered, Allmer isn't exactly the best at cooking. I'll have to ask Allmer for some crystals to exchange them for the ingredients and then start cooking atleast one meal a day.

I was busy in my own thoughts, with no one exactly to talk to. When there was suddenly a shadow looming over me. Felix's sudden appearance startled me as he snatched the dagger from my hand. The comb-in-progress lay forgotten on the grass after falling from my hands, its current form hardly resembling its intended purpose.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, taken aback by the unexpected intrusion. Glancing up, I found myself face to face with the same rude individual from the previous night. His brown hair shimmered in the afternoon sun, his tanned and muscular body contrasting sharply with his annoyed yellow eyes.

"Females shouldn't handle such dangerous things," Felix growled, his tone condescending. Annoyance sparked within me. I was already grappling with a challenging day and was just beginning to calm down, and I had little patience for added complications.

"What's wrong with you? Give it back." I told, my words clipped, refusing to let his intrusion disrupt the fragile equilibrium of my emotions.

"That wolf or feral must have given this to you," Felix said with disdain. "No wonder their tribe females get into harm's way," he continued, talking to himself.

"Give it back, Felix," I said sternly, my patience wearing thin.

Felix's eyes widened a bit. Maybe surprised that I knew his name.
"Can't. As the person assigned to keep the city secure, I can't just let a female handle things that can potentially kill you, especially when you don't have any mate," he said coolly, his arrogance evident.

For a moment, I seethed with frustration. "For your information, I do have a mate. And what things I have is none of your concern," I retorted sharply, my determination clear. He dares to say that I don't have a mate. Allmer is better that 90% of these so called "non feral" beastmen. Irritated, I lunged forward, aiming to retrieve the dagger from his grasp.

Felix easily dodged, his arrogant demeanor intact. I was growing more frustrated by the moment.

"There's no use. If you want it back so badly, I'll make the blade blunt and return it to you in few hours" he said dismissively.

His condescending tone pushed me to my limit. Blunt? Yeah as if that would carve the wood. Determined to reclaim the dagger, I employed a tactic I had observed other females use and collided my body with Felix in full force. Though my anger fueled the action, Felix hesitated for a second, a common male reaction. Yes, here's the chance. In that fleeting moment, I seized the opportunity to lunge for the dagger. However, the day had already proven to be terrible.

Felix tried to evade me, resulting in the dagger inadvertently striking my hand. "Ahh!" I cried out, collapsing to the ground due to the sharp pain. Fresh blood began to drip from my palm, and the pain was excruciating. Damn, way to make the day worse. There was too much blood. Felix stood wide-eyed, stunned by the unexpected turn of events. I'm sure even though the jerk he is, he didn't want to harm me. The sound of a female in distress drew other beastmen to the scene.

Gradually the pain overwhelmed me, and tears welled up in my eyes. I needed to stop the bleeding by tightly binding the wound, but the pain was too intense. I was already feeling lightheaded due to the sudden blood loss and was loosing my balance. Suddenly, a pair of strong arms gripped my shoulders.

**Thank you so much for reading! Hope the story isn't going too fast or too slow><

Edit : I think there's some issue in publishing this chapter. If you can read the complete chapter, it'd be great if you can just comment it. Cause I've tried republishing it, still I can see the 1st line only.

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