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Lesson learned indeed – Allmer had a keen eye for my reactions, especially when it involved another male, like the impressive Iker. His tongue traced my mark lazily, and I felt a possessive energy emanating from him. His voice, when he spoke into my ear, was darker, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Done looking, little one?" he asked, his tone making me red. I needed to escape, his touch was stirring up a storm of emotions within me. However, the curious gazes from others were a constant reminder of our unusual situation. Everyone knew I had a feral mate, and despite my attempts to explain the circumstances (that the mark was via mating since mark due to blood exchange was a technique known only to ferals), many believed it was forced. If I abruptly pulled away now, it would only fuel their assumptions, potentially leading to demands to oust Allmer from the city.

I straightened my back, trying to keep my composure. "Al, can we continue this back home?" I whispered, attempting to add a hint of seduction to my voice, hoping those around us wouldn't misinterpret my discomfort. Allmer, seemingly understanding that I learnt lesson and that I'll stop drooling over handsome males, paused, his heavy breath still lingering on my neck. "Sure," he replied, moving back slightly, though I remained seated between his legs.

In the midst of this, Ace's remark cut through the intimate moment between Allmer and me. "Yeah, do all these flirting at your home, why don't you" he remarked, leaving me uncertain whether he was joking or expressing a more serious sentiment.

Ace :

As the flames flickered and cast a warm glow on Shira's face, I couldn't help but feel an unfamiliar twist of jealousy witnessing the increasing intimacy between her and Allmer. Shira, who once vehemently rejected the idea of having a mate, now seemed more at ease with Allmer's advances. Allmer too always kept pushing her boundaries slightly and tested them, gradually making her used to his touch.

I reminded myself that Shira's primary goal was to return to her world, not to find a mate in the beastmen society. Yet, the possibilities lingered in my mind—what if I were to ask her to be mine? I loved the idea of being with her, even if it meant just enjoying each other's company without the formalities of a mate.

There was also the suspicion that Allmer might hold more information about Shira's world, mostly a way for her to return, given how he promised to help her and even asked her to take him with her. This just fueled my decision to confess my feelings to Shira and seek permission to court her by the end of the winter season, even if she rejects it. Knowing her for many weeks now, I know she won't end our friendship over this.

With my head resting on my arms, I couldn't tear my gaze away from Shira's captivating features, accentuated by the soft firelight. Caught in my musings, she noticed my distant expression.

"Mhm? What?" she asked, a bit puzzled, her mouth occupied with a generous bite of the round, bittersweet berries. Trying to mask my thoughts, I responded casually, "Nothing," as she playfully labeled me a weirdo. Allmer shot me a side-eye, but his silence seemed to signal a growing acceptance of my presence.

** I hope you all are doing great! Thank you so much for reading!

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