Complicated Love (a werewolf story) Chapter 1

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Hello fellow wattpaders! I'm new here to wattpad and this is my very first story. I have never written a story before but figured I would give it a shot. Plz let me know what I can do to improve. I'm a bit shy since this is my first story so plz be kind.
Thanks, xo Lily

Copyright © 2015-2017 xlilywerewolfx (xSugarLilyx)
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the publisher
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

Chapter 1

The rain poured as I watched it splash off my bedroom window. I have been stuck here in a daze, since the moment I laid my eyes on him.

Xavier was Alpha Todd's son. He was tall with piercing blue eyes and messy black hair. He was also my mate. I knew from the moment I laid eyes on him that he was made for me. But there was a problem I was the daughter of a traitor.

" Willow" my mother called, pulling me out of my daydream. "Can you give me a hand bringing in the medical supplies?".

My mother Anna was a pack doctor which was the only reason we remained in the pack. After my father was killed for treason, Alpha Todd deemed my mother to valuable to the pack to cast us out. After all, she was the most skilled of all the pack doctors, and she had nothing to do with my fathers treason. They weren't even mated. I know your wandering how that's possible but here me out.

You see years before I was born, my mother was mated to Nick. Nick was killed during the pack wars while fighting to protect his alpha. After many years my mom came across Sean (my father) while out hunting.

Sean was a rogue who my mom found companionship in, and later convinced our alpha to except him. Thus, I was created.

What my mother didn't know was that Sean had become partners with rival alpha Paul, who wanted vengeance on Alpha Todd for losing the war against him. So together they plotted against Alpha Todd, but ultimately lost. After the battle my father was tried and executed.

Pulling myself out of my daydream I got up and stretched my long limbs. I gathered my long, wavy brown hair and piled it on my head in a messy bun. "Be right down" I replied to my mom, hurriedly slipping on a pair of shoes. I rubbed the sleepiness from my blue eyes and ran down the stairs to the foyer where I knew my mom was waiting. Together we walked out to the car to retrieve the supplies we would be taking to the infirmary next door.

Piling boxes in my arms I ran into the infirmary, utilizing my werewolf speed in order to keep the supplies from getting wet. The rain was continuing to come down hard as I ran back and forth. Once the last box was brought in, I helped put the supplies away.

"Thank you Willow" my mom said as we put the last bottles of medicine in the cabinet. "Your welcome mom, anything else you need?" I replied hoping that would be all, for I was feeling exhausted and wanted nothing more then to escape my mother's probing gaze.

"You look distracted dear, is everything okay?" Internally groaning, I feigned a head-ache as the cause giving my mom a slight smile. She kissed my cheek and told me to go lay down and that she would be up to check on me in a bit.

I returned to my room and plopped on the bed burying my face in my pillow. I couldn't help but wander, would Xavier reject me because of my father? I couldn't bare the thought ,so I shook my head and decided on a hot bath in hopes of pushing the negative thoughts away.

I walked into my bathroom and turned the water on to fill the tub. I added a few drops of lavender bubble bath and prepared to undress when I heard a knock on the door. Sighing I turned the water off and grudgingly walked over to see who it could be.
As I opened the door I seen my friend Vince leaning against the door frame. "Willow I've been trying to get a hold of you since you ran off with no explanation earlier today. Don't you know how to answer your phone?" He said as he scanned my body stopping at my toned midriff, a slow blush creeping up his face. I looked down realizing I had forgotten to put my shirt back on leaving me standing in my bra and shorts. Grabbing my robe off a nearby chair I quickly shrugged it on covering up my body.

"Sorry" I said "I was helping my mom and left my phone up here. I didn't know you had called."

" Why wouldn't you at least answer our mind link. You know you can talk to me Willow." He said with a hurt expression.

Vince and I were close and at one point I had a crush on him. After all who could blame me with his light brown hair and bright green eyes. However, I came to my senses on my eighteenth birthday when I became of age to find my mate. At that point I knew we would never be anything but friends.

" I know Vince I'm sorry, I just needed some time to think." I replied not really wanting to discus what had happened. "Alright but just know I'm here if you need someone to talk to. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. After you ran off like that I was worried. Can you at least tell me what it's about?" Vince asked. I shook my head, " I really don't want to talk about it right now. I'm still trying to work it out myself." He sighed, " Okay, just know I'm here if you need me. Oh, before I forget, Rein wants you to call her." "Tell her I'll call her tomorrow." I said. " I really just want to go to sleep." With that he left and I went back to my bath for some relaxation.

After relaxing for some time in the tub and running the days events through my head I just wanted to sleep. I dried off, changed into my pajamas, and climbed under the covers feeling mentally exhausted giving myself over to dream land where I slept soundly.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of my phone going off. Picking it up I noticed about twenty text messages from Rein. The messages ranged from why didn't I call her to why wasn't I answering her messages. Sighing I typed a quick response telling her to come over.

Climbing out of bed I picked out and outfit and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. Changing into a grey tank top and a pair of shorts, I decided I would confide in Rein. After all she was my best friend and I always found it easy to talk to her.

Just as I finished brushing out my hair,leaving it down to cascade in long waves down my back, Rein walked in. Her reddish brown hair pulled up into a high pony tail and her hazel eyes narrowing on me. She was dressed similar to me in a red tank top and shorts as it was very hot out today.

" Why didn't you call me last night?" She stated looking a bit agitated with me for ignoring her.

" I'm sorry I just needed some time for myself."

" What happened yesterday? You bolted right after you locked eyes with...." she trailed of a knowing look on her face. " Omg Willow, spill right now."

Looking at my fingers I whispered, " Yes Rein, I found my mate and it's Xavier."

A sall smile plastered on her face, " Oh Willow that's amazing. But wait, why did you run?" She looked at me questionably.

" What if he rejects me because of my father?" I blurted out. " What if he thinks I'll turn out to be just like him, a no good traitor?" I said feeling fear of rejection lance through me.

"Oh hunny." She said pulling me into a hug. " Why would he think those things of you? You were an innocent child when it happened. And on top of that your the sweetest person I know there isn't a traitorous part of you. Besides he would be stupid to reject someone as gorgeous as you."

She continued to go on trying to make me feel better but I still felt fear of being judged by Xavier knowing that if he rejected me I would never recover from it.

Pulling me out of my revere Rein said " Come on you need a little distraction, we're going shopping." She pulled me up and draged me out the door.

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