Chapter 12

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Picture is of the ring that Xavier bought for Willow. The picture is from They have some absolutely beautiful rings. Anyway onto the chapter.

Happy reading!!
Xavier's POV.

~Earlier that day~

   After watching Willow sleep last night I knew I had fully accepted her as mine forever. Originally I wanted to wait for engagement and marriage till after the war; but the truth was that I was unsure about us and afraid to take that step. I clung to the fact that we had yet to mate as a shield to keep my freedom. I fought my wolf and the bond. Sure I loved her but now I knew I absolutely loved her more then anything in the world and I wanted her as my wife. I decided I would surprise her and propose to my beloved Willow at the mating ceremony. Now all I had to do was get a ring.

   I got up and got dressed hurriedly as I wanted to be gone before Willow woke up. I rushed down stairs and headed for Alpha Paul's study. As I reached the door it opened revealing Alpha Paul. "Ahh, Xavier my boy what has you up so early?" He asked with a raised brow.

"Well sir I want to head into town, I have something important I want to do for Willow. I was wandering if I could accompany the men when they go for supplies or if I am needed here today?"

"Sure the men are leaving here in ten minuets; the woman can handle the planning." He replied with a smile.

I thanked him and headed for the door. "Oh and Xavier," he said, making me turn around to face him again. "Zizleman's has the best rings." He said with a wink and a chuckle.

"But how did you..."

"Its in your eyes boy." He said as he pat my back. I smiled, thanked him again, and met the men in the foyer. When everyone was accounted for, we left for town.

   Once in town I told the men I would meet them back at the truck. I headed in search of Zizleman's regretting that I didn't ask one of the guys where it was at. After walking around for about an hour I finally found it. I walked toward the store when I past an ally way and caught a  glimpse of someone out of the corner of my eye; but when I turned to look no one was there. I shook it off as nerves as I was still a bit shaken over the haunting howls of my father that echoed in my head and also nervous over my task at hand.

   I got to the door, cleared my head, then entered. Beautiful jewelry lined the store. I browsed the cases finally finding the rings when a jolly old man came over to assist me. "How can I help you?" He asked with a smile.

"I'm looking for an engagement ring for my girlfriend."

"Sure thing. We have a wonderful collection right over here."

   He led me to a large case on the far side of the store where there sat the most beautiful rings I have ever seen. Scanning the rings one in particular caught my eye.

"Can I see this one?"

"Great choice."he said as he pulled the ring out of the case. "This one here is a 1carat Victorian- style diamond engagement ring in 14k white gold. See this graceful paisley like motif? This here is what gives it the beautiful Victorian look."

I studied the ring. It was absolutely beautiful. "I'll take it." I exclaimed happily and followed the man to the check out.

   After checking out I placed the velvet box in my pocket, thanked the man, then went to meet the guys at the truck. I neared the truck and noticed the guys loading supplies and quickly went to help.

"Did you get what you need Xavier?" A man who I believed was named Jace asked me.

"Yeah, Jace right?" I asked.

"Yep, that's me."he said while shaking my hand.

His attitude made me think of my best friend Leon. I missed him and swore to myself I would bring him to the White Fire pack to be my beta once this mess is over.

   We arrived back at the pack house and as soon as I walked in the door, I was hit with Willow's form clinging to my body making me stumble back a bit. I let out a chuckle and grasped her hips as she wrapped her legs around me.

"Well that's one heck of a hello." I said while smoothing her hair.

"Don't ever leave without telling me again. I was worried Todd came and took you away. I couldn't bear to lose you." She said with her face buried in my neck.

I felt a pang of guilt run through me as she continued to ramble. I kissed her shutting her up then replied, "I'm sorry love, I didn't mean to worry you. I just had a few things to take care of in town." She asked me what but I brushed it of telling her it wasn't important and told her to meet me upstairs for a movie night. I sighed relieved when she complied and didn't ask anymore questions.

   I watched her disappear up the steps and went to the kitchen for snacks. I gathered some popcorn, candy, and drinks; then headed up stairs stopping in my room first to hide Willow's ring.

Once I was confident in my hiding place, I walked into Willow's room where we watched movies all night and cuddled together on her couch. After a while, Willow fell asleep so I carried her to her bed laying her down softly. As I turned to leave she reached out grabbing my shirt and begged me to stay. I complied and crawled in bed next to her pulling her close. My wolf howled inside of me and I pulled her closer molding her body to mine. It was when I heard her soft snores that I finally fell asleep.

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