Chapter 5

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After waiting for what seemed like hours, Julie finally came to get me. "He is ready for you now"
"He who" I replied.

"I'm sorry I can't give you anymore information Willow, but I promise all will be explained shortly"

"I really don't like being left in the dark can't you tell me anything?"

"I'm sorry Willow but I've been ordered not to say anything."

I decided to stop pushing the issue and started looking at my surroundings as we walked down the hall. The whole place was built out of logs and was fairly huge. It reminded me of our pack house at home but a little more fancy. The hallway led to a staircase that overlooked a large foyer with a beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

Walking down the staircase I saw pictures on the walls and stopped when I spotted one of a man that looked a lot like me. He was smiling with a group of guys who I'm assuming were his pack mate's , there was something familiar about him but I couldn't put my finger on it. Moving on down the stairs there was another picture that caught my eye, it was of a little girl in a pink dress sitting in a field of flowers. I knew this picture, it was the same one on my mother's night stand. That little girl was me but how did they get this picture?

An uneasy feeling settled in my stomach and I wanted nothing more then to bolt. Sensing my change of mood Julie grabbed my arm. "Pease don't run, I swear you will not be harmed. Now follow me he is waiting for you right in here."

Julie pulled me into a study. It was full of books lining the walls and a small fireplace with a sitting area on the far side of the room. To the left sat a set of leather chairs that faced a desk, where I saw a very large and grey haired man sitting behind it doing paper work. "Please have a seat Willow, we have much to talk about." he said in an authoritative voice. I sat down folding my hands in my lap, chewing on my lip nervously. "Boy have you grown" he said. He looked up at me and I froze in my seat.

"A-alpha P-Paul" I stuttered.

He smiled at me, "Calm down child I mean you no harm."

"What do you want with me" I whispered.

"That's easy Willow, you of course" he said with a chuckle.

"But why, I don't understand, why do you want me?"

"Because you belong to me. You are my granddaughter after all."

"Your what? But that's not possible my father was a rouge."

"No Willow your father was my son. He didn't want to take the responsibility of becoming alpha like he was born to do so he ran. When he met your mother and you were born he wanted to take his place as alpha with your mother by his side but alpha Todd wouldn't let Anna leave because she was to valuable to his pack." Alpha Paul replied.

"But my mom wasn't Sean's mate." I stated mater of fact-ly.

"No, but your mom lost her mate and so did your father so the goddess aloud them to pick a choice mate and so they chose each other." He replied.

" I thought that rarely happens." I stated questionably.

" Indeed it is very rare but the goddess chose it."

I pondered all this new information and wandered why I was never told this before. "Why did you attack alpha Todd then?" I asked.

"Because he wouldn't release your father back to me and allow your mother to come with. When your father told him his plans to return home to his rightful pack, alpha Todd took it as a threat. While your father was trying to talk it over he sent his beta and a few other pack members here to attack us. We were merely defending our selves."

"But they killed dad for treason."

"Right willow, that was what he told his pack and your mother when he murdered your father but that's not the truth of what happened I was there after all." Alpha Paul said.

" So you were the one who left that letter in my room?"


"But why the wolfsbane and silver chains?"

"I'm sincerely sorry Willow that wasn't meant to happen and I was outraged when I found out." He replied looking sad.

"Alpha Paul" I began."Please call me grandfather" he interrupted.

"Okay grandfather, why now ? Why after all these years? "

" Because you are old enough to take your place now Willow. You have alpha blood , your next in line."

"But I'm a girl" I replied coconfused.

" Yes but you are entitled to the pack its your blood right so your mate will become Alpha and you Luna." My grandfather answered.

"Oh boy" I replied.

"Is there a problem Willow?"

"Umm kind of because Xavier is my mate and also Alpha Todd' s son." I mumbled


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