Chapter 25

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I led the remainder of my pack, new and old, back home knowing I had one last thing to do before this was finally over. Anticipation for revenge coursed through my body making me antsy and impatient.

'Who knew I would turn into the impatient and vengeful type. I guess the pain of everything I've been through changed me. No longer will I run away or shy from my destiny.' I thought to my self hearing my wolf agree.

"Xavier?" I called through the mind link.

"Yes love?" He answered.

"Oh thank God your awake. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine babe, I'm also very proud of you. Paul told me what happened and how you took control. I'm sorry for ever doubting you. Now hurry home I miss you." He said with his possessive yet sexy growl that drove me crazy. With a chuckle I signaled everyone to shift and ran the rest of the way to my pack.

"Everyone meet in the ceremony grounds. We will except our new pack members first and get them settled. Then we will take care of Todd." Xavier said as an order to the pack.

"I wanted to take care of Todd first." I said linking with Xavier only.

"I know you want your revenge Willow and you will get it, but please love, don't loose yourself in the process. Revenge can easily make one cruel and hateful. Don't allow yourself to become that which you wish to destroy."

That stopped me in my tracks. Was I becoming like Todd? His need for revenge destroyed so many lives and is what started this mess in the first place. Could I be following the same path as him? Would I become hateful and caniving like he did? I need to stop and re-evaluate myself and the direction I wish to go in.

"Continue on with out me, I'll be along in a while." I told Leon then took my leave of the others.

I ran to the pond and sat watching my reflection in the calm waters. I refuse to allow myself to be cruel or hateful. 'Maybe I'm going about this in the wrong way.' I thought. Some say revenge is a form of justice, but is it really? Justice is to restore balance, while revenge is to retaliate. No we are beyond retaliation, now is the time to rebuild and restore. It's time for Justice. Todd will get what he deserves but for once I don't feel the need to be the one to kill him.

Getting up I returned to my pack feeling more empowered then ever. I knew my destiny now and I was prepared to follow it.

"Are you okay love?" Xavier asked with a worried expression.

"Better then ever." I said planting a kiss on his lips.

"Okay then, shall we go add some new pack members?" He asked with a smile.

"Lets." I replied, joining him in the front of the pack.


Three hours have passed by the time we were done officially making all the new members part of the pack. Now it was time to deal with Todd. He was brought up from the cells and chained outside with strong silver chains while a syringe of wolvesbane was injected into his neck to subdue him. As an alpha he was feeling the severing off all former pack ties from each of his former pack members which enraged him.

"Todd for your crimes against my pack and the danger you have put your former pack in, you have been stripped of your alpha title. For what's an alpha with out a pack to lead." I said pacing before him.

"You little bi..." Todd started

"Finish that sentence and I'll kill you now." Xavier growled with his hand around Todd's throat.

"You have took so much from me and you deserve nothing less then death in the most unkind way possible. Be glad I have decided not to be the one to carry out your sentence." I spat.

"Of course not, your too weak." He snarled attempting to spit on me.

"Weak no, I've just come to realize I don't need to be controlled by revenge unlike you. Besides what's worse then being killed by the one person you hate most." I smirked stepping to the side to allow my grandfather through.

"Xavier how could you do this to me." Todd screamed as Paul advanced.

"You did this to yourself." Xavier said before turning his back. " Come love, I'm exhausted and dying to get you in bed." He whispered while nussling my neck.

It was finally all over. I felt at peace as Xavier wrapped me in his arms and carried me to bed. No longer did I have to worry. I could finally live my life with the man I loved. I had excepted my destiny and grew because of it. Now all we had was the future and I couldn't wait to see what it held.


Hello lovlies,
We have reached the end :(. I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it and watching not only my characters grow but my writing itself.  I may add some bonus chapters and possibly a prologue but I have not desided as of yet. Thank you so much for taking the journey with me. And look for my new story "Saving Him" coming soon.


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