Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Dusk was fast approaching as we hustled to get all remaining details in order. Team assignments were given leaving myself with Leon, Rein, and a few pack warriors. Julie stayed behind as she was exspecting her first pup, and with that took the roll of leading the remaning pack members to the safe house for protection.

My mother, Anna, remained on call in the infirmary to tend any wounded that might return. Though I pray that will be very few.

"Be safe my love, soon this will all be over." Xavier said pulling me into his arms and kissing me.

"You too." I whispered kissing him again.

"Alright teams move out." Xavier commanded, releasing me from his hold. "Remember stay with Leon please." he pleaded with his eyes. Nodding my head he smiled then turned to join my grandfather while I headed back to my team.

We trecked through the woods silently till we all reached our designated areas. Once everyone anounced their  possitions through the mind link Xavier gave the command to shift and proceed leaving my team the last to move.

"Team one and two move in. Paul and I will be right behind you." Xaviers voice came through the link.

"Team three stand by for my orders."

"Copy that." Leon replied.

"This feels like a covert military opperation."Rein said brushing her wolf against mine. Turning to look at her I could see her wolfish grin. I shook my head giving her a wolfish grin in return. Leave it to Rein to be excited in a time like this.

The sounds of fighting came from the distance signaling the battle has begun and with it my body tensed. It wasn't like my wolf to wait in the background and she was becoming restless. I started to pace. "We need to move in Leon." I growled in agitation.

"Not yet Luna." He replied to which I growled louder earning an apologetic glance.

"Todd's in the shed by the corner garage." came Jace's voice through the link.

"Moving in." Xavier replied.

Sounds of fighting continued as I waited impatiently for my opportunity to join the fight especially now that I knew where Todd was. Minuets went by that felt like hours when another voice came though the link. "Alpha's trapped, the shed collapsed both Todd and Xavier are inside."

"Thats it we move now." I growled using my alpha voice on my team.

Springing into action we rushed into the fight. I fought my way through to the collapsed shed where I shifted back to my human self. "Enough" I screamed feeling my Alpha power flow through me surging with every beat of my heart. All eyes were on me as the fighting stopped.

"You're fools. What are you fighting for? A man who lies to you? A man who's selfish ways put you and your children in danger?!" I yelled watching the eyes of the silver paw pack shift to me in confushion.

Leon pulled Xavier from the rubble his body littered in cuts. I ran to him having Leon lay him down where I can check him. He was unconscious but his pulse was strong. "Get him to the infirmary now." I ordered watching two of my men put him on a stretcher and carry him away.

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