Chapter 4

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Willow's POV

The following morning I decided I was going to go for a jog. I use to jog every morning but I had been slacking these past few days. I threw on a pair of yoga shorts and a matching top while gathering my hair into a high ponytail. Walking over to my closet I pulled out a pair of running shoes and laced them up when I noticed another note on my desk. This time I didn't recognize the handwriting. Shaking off the uneasy feeling that was building in my stomach I began to read.

Hello dearest Willow. You don't know me but I know you. I've watch you from afar since the day you were born and now I want what is mine. Your imbecile of an alpha didn't even recognize me when I watched them murder your father but you see there is so much more to the story then they even know. I'll be seeing you soon my dear.

That was it, no signature or anything. The bile started to rise in my throat at the thought of being watched and I quickly ran to the bathroom. After throwing up I rinsed my mouth and brushed my teeth. Wanting to clear my head I decided its time for my jog and left my house jogging on the path I normally took which was along a trail that leads around the training field.

When I got about half way to the training field I bumped into someone. I knew I should have been watching where I was going but I was so deep in thought over the mysterious note that I wasn't paying attention. When I looked up I saw non other then Xavier standing right in front of me. I turned to go the other way but he caught my arm and spun me back around to face him.

"Willow wait" he said. "I need to talk to you please stop running from me."

" For what Xavier? So you can threaten me again or maybe push me around like you own me? I'm not about to be bullied by you" I said trembling with built up anger.

" I'm sorry willow I didn't mean to hurt you I just couldn't.." I cut him off quickly yelling at him.

"Didn't mean to hurt me, you slammed me against the wall threatened me about Vince then kissed Melissa right in front of me."

"Why do you care willow all you do is run from me." He screamed in my face.

"Just leave me alone." I yelled as red hot tears started pouring from my eyes. He reached toward me when I pushed him away hating that he seen me so venerable and started running.

I left the path and kept running through the woods dodging trees along the way when I felt a pair of arms grab me and a cloth cover my mouth. It smelt like wolfsbane and made me choke as I struggled to get free from my captor but it was to late and I faded into blackness.

When I woke up I was chained to a chair and the room was dark. I felt like I was going to be sick from the side effects of the wolfsbane and did my best not to puke. It proved to be a futile attempted for the more I tried to hold it down the more I gagged till I eventually puked on the floor. The pain of my heaving and the silver chains became to much for me and I lost consciousness again.

I was in and out of consciousness for what seemed like forever and as I drifted in the dark haze I heard a man's voice yell. "What the hell why is she chained like that? Release those chained and get her..." but I didn't hear the rest for I fell back into the darkness.

When I started to come to, I realized the chains were removed and I was in a bed. I looked down and seen I was no longer in my yoga outfit but rather in a t-shirt and sweats. I immediately felt violated at the thought of someone changing my clothing, when a girl walked in.

"Oh good your awake." She said as she placed a tray of bacon and eggs on the side table. "I have some breakfast for you and there is a bathroom through that door." She said pointing to a door on the left.

"How did I get into these clothes." I asked. "Oh I'm sorry miss, I changed you before I laid you in bed last night. I figured you wouldn't want to sleep in your puke." She said innocently. "Oh" I said muddering a quick thank you slightly relieved that at least it wasn't a random man who changed me.

"You'll find some clothes in there if you would like to shower." She said turning to leave. "Wait" I said stopping her. "Where am I and why am I here" I asked pleading for an answer.

"All will be explained shortly, I must say no more" she replied.

"Well can I at least get your name?" I asked as she was opening the door.

"Oh yes sorry, I'm Julie." she said with a smile.

"Hi I'm Willow." I said smiling back.

"Nice to meet you Willow, I'll be back in an hour to collect you then all will be explained." She said turning and walking out the door. I heard the door lock behind her and sighed.

"Well I guess I have no choice but to wait." I thought to my self. I picked at my breakfast and decided I would get a shower. I finished my shower, wrapped up in a towel, and walked to the closet where I selected a pair of. Skinny jeans and a black fitted t-shirt. Once I finished dressing I braided my wet hair and sat on my bed to wait.

Thank you to everyone who is reading my story. More action to come soon.

Vote, comment, follow. I would love to hear from you.

x Lily

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