Chapter 3

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Xavier's POV

I could smell her, my mate, her sweet seductive smell swept across the clearing. I looked across the field in search of the person who's scent was drawing me in, driving me crazy in the process. I scanned frantically till my eyes locked with Willow. It was her she was the one. How could this be? How could my mate be non other then the traitors daughter. Running my hand threw my hair confused on what to do next, I noticed her turn away and start running. I wanted nothing more then to run after her but what if she was running from me? Maybe she didn't want me. Do I even want her? I'm the future alpha of the silver paw pack. What would everyone think if I claimed the traitors daughter as my mate? I needed to figure this out and fast.

I turned to my beta Leon and told him to finish training the young wolves. Leon looked at me slightly confused but complied. I left following the direction Willow went, not sure if I would catch up or if I even wanted to. Thoughts continued to swarm my mind when I reached the end of the woods and it started raining hard. Not really caring that I was getting drenched I continued walking till I found myself outside of Willow's house. I looked up seeing her look lost in thought gazing out her window. I wanted to push the hair out of her eyes and smooth away the worry lines that were forming on her beautiful face. I chided myself for my thoughts but this girl was driving me crazy. I knew right then that I couldn't stay away from her much longer, I had to figure this out.

I went back home and linked Leon. I had to know what he thought. I needed to know if he would follow Willow as Luna. I knew I could count on him to give it to me straight with out having to command him. "Come over as soon as you can. I have something very important to discuss with you." I said through our mind link making sure the message went to Leon only. "Be right there." I heard Leon reply.

When he got to my house he came straight up to my room and plopped on my couch. "What's up?" Leon said looking at me curiously.

"I have something important to ask you, something that will effect the whole pack." I said gauging his reaction to how important this really was. When I could see I had his full attention I said. " I found my mate, what I need to know is if you would except her as future Luna of our pack? Before you say anything you need to know that my mate is Willow, Willow Heart."

"You mean the traitors daughter?"


He sat silent for a minute contemplating. "How do you feel about her X?"

"Absolutely crazy, I can't avoid the pull much longer Leon, that's why I need to know will you follow her? I can't accept her if the pack wont."

Leon sat in silence for a few moments before finally answering. "I'll follow you anywhere X no mater who you choose. If your loyalty is there mine is there. I will follow Willow and accept her as my Luna if she is who you want. I would never make you give up your mate."

"Now all I have to do is figure out how she feels about me." I said. When she seen I was her mate she ran. I need to figure this out I thought, I need to follow her.

The following morning Leon linked me to tell me he saw Willow heading to the mall with Rein. I knew this was my chance so I had him gather the rest of the guys and meet me at the mall. When I pulled up I spotted Willow's jeep and parked right next to it looking around to see Leon pull in with Shane and Aidan. We started heading for the door when I noticed Willow's friend Vince walking inside and I wandered to myself what could be going on between them for every time he looked at her you could see how much he admired her. A low growl escaped my lips before I realized it I didn't want him anywhere near my mate she was mine.

"Yo X, can we get some food first." Aidan said as he pat my shoulder for attention. "Yeah why not." I replied thinking to myself that this may just be the best spot to find Willow since it was in the middle of the mall and I was bound to see her eventually.

We went to a pizza shop and decided to eat there or should I say they decided to eat I was too busy looking for Willow.

Melissa walked up to us with Shannon and Melody. "Hey there sexy." She said as she sat with the guys. I shuddered in disgust. Ugh why did I ever hook up with her? Her voice alone was extremely annoying or was that because I found out Willow was my mate?

Just then I caught her sent, that wonderful smell of wildflowers mixed with stawberrys. God it was so intoxicating. I followed her every move, watching her smile and laugh, taking in all her beauty when her eyes locked with mine. She froze muderd something I couldn't quite catch and turned fast running right into Vince. He caught her leaving his hands linger on her skin in a way that appeared intimate and made me immediately pissed. Anger rippled through my body as I watched her run past him to the bathrooms where I casually followed her trying not to attack Vince in the process.

I stood out side the bathroom waiting not quite sure what I was going to say to her. As I waited the anger I felt toward Vince continued to build. When she finally came out I pinned her to the wall locking her gaze in mine.

" You ever let him touch you again like that I will rip his head off his body. Do you understand me? You are mine." I said before I registered the words that came out of my mouth. The electricity I felt from where our skin touched calmed me down when I realized I still had her hands pinned. I released her and ran my fingers down her jaw bringing her eyes up to mine again when I caught the expression of confusion and sadness in her eyes. What was that about I wanted to know but forced myself to walk away refusing to look back at her afraid of what I might do. The pull was becoming stronger but I still needed to know if she wanted me too.  After all she kept running away when she saw me and I needed to know why.

I got back to the guys when Melissa walked up to me. "So did you find your mate yet or do I get to play with you forever?" She said inching herself closer to me. Ugh she was such a slut and I was about to push her away when she kissed me and I froze seeing Willow looking right at us shaking with rage.

Pushing Melissa away, I growled, "Don't ever touch me again." But the damage was done Willow had run out of the mall. I wanted to follow her but I was confused by her reaction. Did she care for me too? She always runs when she sees me so why would she care who kissed me? I need to get her to talk to me with out running away so I can claim her. With that thought I started devising a plan but was interrupted by a milkshake being poured over my head splashing all over Melissa. I looked up to see Rein staring right at me with an empty milkshake cup in her hand her only words being "Jack ass" before she walked away.
Yeah Rein woot woot!! 😉

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