Chapter 6

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"So you are telling me that Xavier Black is your mate?" My grandfather asked me while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Yes" I whispered in reply.

"Does he know your his mate?"

"We haven't talked about it, but I'm sure he knows you can't mistake the mating pull."

"You need to make a decision Willow. If you choose to accept him you must understand that alpha Todd won't let him go with out a fight, and frankly I find it to be to risky I can't loose you too. You are all I have left." my grandfather said with a soft look.

"I don't even know if he wants me grandfather, like I said we haven't talked about it."

It was silent for a few minutes till he looked up at me and asked. "First things first Willow, are you willing to accept your blood right and take control of your pack here? If you accept the White Fire pack you must step up as Luna with your mate."

I mulled it over in my head for a few moments thinking of everything that I have learned in the past few hours. " Xavier is to be alpha of the Silver Paw pack, how will this work if I accept? Part of me wants to take my place but now I have two packs to choose from and I don't even know if he wants me like I want him. Can I get some time to sort this out grandfather?"

"Of course you can I just needed to know whether this appealed to you or not."

"Yes it appeals to me quite a bit but there are some things I need to sort out first."

Just then a knock came from the door and Julie walked in. " I'm sorry to interrupt but Colton has arrived from patrols and he says he needs to talk with you immediately."

Nodding his head, Alpha Paul turned to me, "You just think about everything and we will talk later. Julie will show you around." I nodded said a quick goodbye and followed Julie out of the room.

"Sorry I wasn't aloud to tell you anything," Julie started, " alpha Paul was afraid you would run."

"Well I sure have learned a lot today." I said with a slight chuckle.

" Your taking this better then I thought."

"In all honesty I think I'm still in shock. I'm not quite sure what to make of all this."

Julie nodded and linked her arm in mine "Well in the mean time at least I have a new friend." She said smiling at me.

"Absolutely!"I replied as we skipped down the hallway toward the living room.

As we turned the corner into the living room I bumped into someone. Taking a step back he looked at me and said. "Whoa, who is this delectable she wolf?" He began circling me, checking me out from top to bottom till Julie pushed him away.

"Knock it off Jace and leave her alone." Julie yelled. "I'm so sorry about my idiotic brother." She said growling the idiotic brother part.

Feeling feisty for some odd reason I replied. "Its okay Julie he couldn't handle me anyway." Jace's jaw dropped and Julie and I chuckled.

"Come on let's finish our tour we will come back here later." Julie said linking her arm in mine again.

We walked through the rest of the house and Julie explained where everything was pointing out this and that while I took in the details of the place. It truly was beautiful, made completely out of logs with large windows so you can see the beautiful scenery outside. There was even a ball room where Julie said alpha Paul hosts all his party's. It was like a large log mansion and breathtakingly beautiful. Julie continue to lead me around finally taking me outside where there was a huge pool with an attached hot tub and a fire pit. "Well I know where I'll be most of the time this summer." I giggled.

"That makes two of us, I love it here." Julie said. "Come on I still have to show you the kitchen."

"Great, I'm starved." I said following her back inside.

The kitchen kept with the theme of the house and was huge. Julie went to the fridge and started pulling out lunch meat, cheese, and bread. " Would you like a sandwich? The pack mothers make supper but usually we fend for ourselves  for lunch." She said going to the cupboard for plates.

"Yes, please." I said taking a plate from her hand. We made our sandwiches and ate peacefully at the island in the middle of the kitchen. When we finished Julie opted for a movie to wich I agreed and we both headed to the living-room.

We got into the living room and just put 'The Duff' in the blue ray player when alpha Paul came in. "Willow, Xavier crossed our borders 30 minutes ago he will be here any minute and he is obviously here for you." He said the last part with a smirk.

"Well Willow" I thought to my self "time to stop running. There is no better time then right now to get our answers, after all he did come all this way just for you." My wolf purred in delight at the thought.

" I'm going to him grandfather" I said, "I'll go alone so no one gets hurt, I don't want him to think we are threatening him."

"Well he did cross our borders Willow." My grandfather said.

"Grandfather please." I asked pleadingly. My grandfather nodded and let me pass by him.

I went outside and took shelter behind a tree and stripped off my clothes so they don't tear when I shift. I shifted quickly and shook out my light grey fur. Gathering my clothes in my mouth I headed in the direction Xavier was spotted. About five minutes into my run I spotted him, his dark drey and black fur shinning in the light. I wanted to pounce but held back my urges. My wolf growled at me but reluctantly gave in knowing we had much to talk about. I slowly walked up to him when I heard his voice in my head telling me to shift and meet him back here in the clearing. I did what he said and returned seeing him standing there waiting. I approached him slowly but his next move startled me for he wrapped me in his arms.

Next chapter will be in Xavier point of view.

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