Chapter 21

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Willows Pov

I exited the shower first, wrapping a towel around myself and gathering some ointment and gauze for Xaviers deeper wounds. I deposited my supplies on the bed and sat down to wait.

Xavier came out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel around his waist. Water droplets were glistening off his chest as more fell from his wet hair. His torso was littered in cuts and bruises and his back just as bad. I continued to scan his body from where I sat counting every cut and bruise finally making my way to his wrists where they were raw with cuts and burns.

"Silver" I growled out taking his hands and flipping them over in my own. "That's why I couldn't link you."

"It weakened my wolf. I couldn't reach him till I got back here to you. The silver needed time to leave my system."

"Why couldn't I reach anyone though?  No one would answer me."

"Alpha Paul asked everyone to keep there walls up except to those there. We were battling the whole way. It was a great strategy to keep from distraction."

"I wish he would have left me come after you."

"Calm down Willow I'm okay. See I'm here whole and alive. It's okay baby."

I didn't realize I was shaking till he pulled me in. My wolf was livid and wanted revenge for what they did to her mate. I was seeing red but slowly regaining control as Xavier rubbed my arms and cooed to me. I rested my face in his chest allowing his presence to calm me. He's here I told my self. He's home and alive.

Grabbing his hands again I applied some ointment and gaze to help speed up healing. With the trace amounts of silver still left in his system his larger wounds havent started to heal even with our rapid healing. 

"Love I need to tell you something." Xavier said sitting down beside me. He scratched is head sighing. "I don't really know how to tell you this so I'll just come out with it. Willow, Vince is dead......I killed him."

Shocked I moved off the bed and turned to him. "Y-You what?"

"I had no choice, he tried to kill me. He wanted you for himself and needed me out of the way but that's not the worst of it. He was working with my father. He lead us into that ambush and I suspect something bigger was going on. I grabbed this when I left."

Handing me a file I took it and read It over. "A perternity test?" I asked.

"Yes, Todd is Vince's father. Which means he's...."

"Your half brother." I answered cutting him off.

"It was hidden from the silver paws. The alphas illagidament son. No one knew."

My head was spinning it was to much to handle. I need out, I needed to think, to process this. I was angry and upset all over again. Shaking my wolf was taking over I needed to shift. I ran to the balcony and jumped shifting before I hit the ground. I kept running ignoring Xavier's calls. I need to be alone.

Keeping up my pace, I
decided to run the patrol route of our borders until I cooled off enough to think. Was I mad at Xavier? No I understood why he did it. I was sad for the loss of my friend but was he really my friend? Did he know Todd was his dad the whole time? No he couldn't have the date on those results was for two days after Xavier came here for me. Vince was Todd's back up plan. There is no other way Vince would have worked with Todd.

Was I mad at Vince? Kinda but he wasn't who my rage was directed towards. It was Todd I wanted. It was Todd's blood my wolf and I craved. Game over.

"I'm coming for you Todd. Enjoy your last breath." I growled out then howled loudly a war cry to my pack. Its time my alpha blood has taken over. This war was mine to win.


Wow major twists!! Hope you all like it.

Shout out to @allisonfoeve another one of my readers who has been with me from the beginning. Thank you for your support and for sticking with me for all this time. I really appreciate it.

 I really appreciate it

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