Chapter 23

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Two weeks flew by quickly as my warriors trained for the attack. While Xavier perfected our plans, I took the task of making sure the safe house was ready for the women, children, and elders incase anything would happen.

"I wish you would stay here my love." Xavier said as he wrapped his arms around my waste.

"No, this fight is just as much mine as it is yours."

We have been having this argument since the fist day of pack training but I refuse to be left behind.

Sighing Xavier turned me to face him. "Fine, but please promise me you will not let your rage fog your senses. Also, Leon will be beside you as extra protection. Stay with him! I can't lose you Willow."

His coddling annoyed me but I understood it. I couldn't bare to lose him either. Placing my hand on his cheek I pulled him down for a kiss whispering, "I promise."

"When this is over I'm going to lock you in our room for a week." Xavier said cheekly nipping my lip.

We broke apart at the sound of a clearing throat, turning to see Leon at the door. "Luna" he bowed in my direction then turned to Xavier. "Alpha the warriors are ready for debriefing."

"Thank you Leon." Xavier said as we headed to the training feild where our pack was waiting.

"We will be splitting up into teams and entering their territory from different locations." Xavier began while pulling out the map and pinning it to trees, spreading it for all to see. "While team one enters here, team two will enter here." he said while pointing to different areas on the map. "Paul and I will enter from this squadron after the first two teams have entered providing us a distraction. From there we will capture Alpha Todd. Then Team three will pull up the rear for reinforcement. Willow, you and Leon will be part of team three. I want you as far away from the main fight as possible." Xavier said. "No arguments Willow." he added with a sharp glare.

"Fine." I snapped back. I hate when he treats me as if I can't handle myself.

"Your all free to go. We meet back here at 8 o'clock for team assignment. We leave at dusk." Xavier said, dismissing the pack.

Turning my back to him I left the field. I don't care what he says I'm not a little pup. I'm just as much in charge of this pack as he is and my wolf is hating being undermined.

"Willow wait." Xavier yelled running to catch me.

"What now Xavier, are you coming to check that I'm wearing big girl underwear?" I snapped.

"Willow please, I'm sorry, I just want you safe." he said while grabbing my arm.

"I am safe Xavier. How many more rules are you going to make for me huh? I am just as incharge here as you. We are supposed to do this together. I'm capable of more then what you are giving me credit for. For moons sake, I already agreed to stick with Leon. What more do you want?" I was growling at this point, I was so mad. Pacing back and forth I stopped to look at him and sighed. "I understand your trying to protect me but, to my wolf and I, you're  undermining our authority and we dont like it."

"I'm sorry. I never ment to make you feel that way. Please forgive me and understand I just want you safe. I promise when this is all over things will be better and you will never feel that way again. Just please trust me." Xavier said with pleading eyes.

I sighed and shook my head alowing him to embrace me. I know he didn't mean to make me feel like this but I've been so moody lately that the tiniest things set me off.

"Come on love, lets go eat." Xavier said walking tward the pack house.

"Don't think that this conversation is over mister." I said poking him in the chest.

"Shush you little vixen." Xavier said with a chuckle then through me over his shoulder smacking my ass in the process.

"Xavier!!!" I yelled causing him to chuckle louder.

'Ugh well atleast the view is nice.' I thought to myself while he continued on to the pack house kitchen.

Hey lovelies, I had alot of fun writing this chapter. Hope you all enjoyed it too!


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