Chapter 18

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The following morning I awoke feeling sore but happy. Rolling over so I was facing Xavier, I was surprised to see he was already awake.

"Sleep well?" He asked as he smoothed away the hair that fell into my face.

"Mhmm" I hummed in response snuggling into his chest.

"Rein has informed me that she is stealing you for the day." Xavier said while hugging me close.

"Are you okay with that?" I asked.

"Of course; besides Rein said I have no choice she is taking you anyway. Plus I can do with out another milkshake dumped on my head." He said with a chuckle.

"Guess I better get dressed then." I said with a laugh of my own. And slid out of bed.

Making my way to the closet I pulled out a black crop top that said 'Love' on the front and a pair of skinny jeans, sliding them on along with a pair of grey boots.

"You and the color grey." Xavier said while walking up behind me.

"What its my favorit color you know that." I said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him so my back was against his chest.

"I know love, I'm just teasing." He whispered while kissing his way from my ear to my mark.

"Break it up you two." Rein said from the doorway. "I wanna spend time with my besty already."

Laughing I turned to her and smiled. "Yeah yeah I'm coming woman keep your pants on. I just gotta brush my hair and teeth and we are good to go." I said walking to my bathroom.

"Well hurry up already." She answered while following me in.

"So I thought we could explore the town, as I'm sure you haven't had much time to see it yet either, and do some shopping." She said as I finished brushing my teeth.

"Sounds good to me." I said while running the brush through my hair deciding to leave it down in its natural waves today.

" So what are you girls up to today." Xavier asked.

" Just a little shopping and girl time." I answered then gave him a kiss.

"Have fun baby, I'll be running drills with the warriors today. Got to stay on our toes." He said just as Leon came to the door.

"I'll leave you to it then love, I love you" I said then headed out of the room, hearing I love you too echo through the hallway.

Rein and I drove to town and walked around admiring the shops, stopping to check them out when we seen something we liked. It was great spending time with Rein like we used to before all this chaos unfolded. Stopping in a little bistro we had lunch, then continued walking around enjoying the quaint beauty of the town.

" Wow its so pretty here compared to what we are used to seeing." Rein said.

"I agree." I replied as we stopped at a little fountain with benches around it.

Sitting down Rein said, "Best friend selfies."as she pulled out her phone and started snapping pictures.

"God I missed your randomness." I laughed.

"I missed you too. I was worried about you and when Alpha Todd said we wouldn't be running after you I got even more scared for you. Todd started spewing nonsense about you being a traitor like your dad and locked up anyone who spoke against him. Your Mom was the first and I shortly after. But the weirdest thing was the change in Vince after he heard that Xavier had gone after you." She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well I'm not quite sure really I tried to ask him what was wrong with him but he refused to talk to me. Pushed me away really, and before I left to come here I saw him with Melisa." Rein replied with furrowed brows.

"That makes no sense he hates her and we know they aren't mates." I said baffled.

"He was spending a lot of time around the pack house too, something is really off with him." She answered.

After a few minuets I started to get a bad feeling. "We should go back, I need to talk to Xavier something doesn't feel right about this and I think we should talk to Leon too. He might know something seeing as he was the future beta over there." I said standing up.

"Agreed." Rein said as we both headed back to the car.

Dusk was approaching as we neared the pack house and the feeling in my stomach became worse. Something felt off but I didn't know what it was until we got closer. Wolves were fighting everywhere and I knew at that moment that the Silver Paw pack had arrived. Slamming the car in park I jumped out quickly and shifted with Rein on my heals her brown wolf next to my grey.

"Find Xavier and Alpha Paul." I said through the mind link. Nodding her head she ran one direction while I ran the other searching for my mate and grandfather.

Fighting of enemy wolves I made my way around the house finally spotting my grandfather fighting off three wolves at once. He quickly took down one with a swipe of his claws to the enemy's throat. Biting another in the process. One wolf remained in front of him and as they circled each other another approached from behind. Seeing this I bolted into action slicing its belly as he jumped for the attack leaving him to fall lifeless on the ground, the contents of his stomach spilling out. By this time my grandfather had finished off the other wolf and the rest were retreating.

"Grandfather where is Xavier? What happened?" I said through the mind link.

"He was out with the warriors training. We were attacked and the warriors went to fight. They should be back any minuet." He said.

Just then Leon's dark auburn  wolf came through the trees with the rest of the warriors behind him. All but One.

"They have him." Leon said bowing his head down in shame; his muzzle at my paws." I'm sorry Willow I tried to help but they had silver and we were ambushed. Something in me snapped howling in pain and frustration I sprung for the trees only to be pounced on by My grandfather.

"No Willow its to dangerous they will kill you. Our warriors will bring him back." He said.

"He's my mate I can't just stay here." I snapped angrily trying to get out of his hold.

"Stop." He said with his alpha command earning a growl from me till I collapsed under his power.

"Warriors with me, let's go get our future alpha back." Alpha Paul said as he led the warriors in the direction of the Silver Paws retreat. "And Willow you are to stay behind." He said using another command on me for the second time in less then five minuets.

I watched them leave feeling helpless and hollow. Letting out another howl, I buried my face in my paws sending up a plea to the moon goddess for Xavier's return.
This is how I'm picturing Willow right now...😢😞

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