Chapter 19

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Xavier's POV

Opening my eyes all I saw was black. The smell of wolfsbane heavy in the air with a faint smell of Silver Paw wolves. "Fucking ambush." I muttered getting more pissed off by the second. "I'm gonna kill that fucking bastard." I yelled fighting against the chains that held me.

The more I fought the more angry I became but managed to rip one chain from the wall freeing one wrist. The silver burned as I pulled on the other chains draining my energy till I succumbed to exhaustion.

Hours seemed to pass as I hung there until a door opened letting in a stream of light. "So Xavier you would turn your back on your own father just for some little slut." The voice of my father sounded from the door.

"Fuck You!" I spat earning me a harsh backhand, busting my lip in the process .

"How dare you talk back to me. You will return to me Xavier and you will cut that precious bond of yours with that little bitch as well." he demanded.

"To late, we are fully mated now and I'll never leave my beautiful Willow." I replied defiantly spitting blood in his face.

Pacing back and forth he let out any angry growl. "I will not lose someone else to Paul." he yelled.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked irritated with his rambling.

"First he took Grace from me, now he takes my son away too." he continued rambling.

"Grace as in their deceased Luna, you know the one you killed?" I asked wandering what he was going on about.

Grabbing me by the throat he spat " I did not kill her! She killed herself. I loved her but she chose her true mate over me. I wanted her so badly I went to convince her to come back with me, but when she refused I swore to kill Paul and so she drove that knife into herself to stop me." a lone tear left his evil eyes as he stood reminiscing.

" What about mom?" I asked.

" What about her, she was just a pass time we weren't mated and I never loved her. All she ever did that was any good was give me you, but Paul took that too."

Anger coursed through me at his words. Reaching out with my free hand I slashed his face. "You piece of shit I'll kill you." I growled. All of a sudden there was a commotion outside.

"Alpha Todd the White Fires are here!" a voice yelled from the door.

"I'll deal with you later." he said and once again I was left in darkness.

I listened to the sounds of fighting outside hoping My pack would prevail over my father when a commotion came from outside the door. Light blinded me as the door flew open and someone yanked on my chains freeing me.

"Lets go." the voice of my beta said as he yanked me to my feet.

"Where is my piece of shit father?" I growled. "I'm going to enjoy ripping his throat out."

Grabbing my arm Leon stopped me. "First lets get you out of here."

Nodding my head we made our way outside killing wolves in the process. "Xavier" Alpha Paul yelled motioning his direction. I almost made it to him when I was jumped on from behind. Spinning around to face my attacker I seen it was non other than Vince.

"You" I growled, "You tricked us and led us into the ambush."

With a smirk Vince replied. "Did you really think I would want to be part of your pack when you stole Willow from me. Get real Xavier, with you out of the way Willow will be mine."

With those words I launched at him sinking my teeth into his shoulder and pinning him to the ground.

"It was you I seen that day in the ally. You have been following us around." I growled.

"Its about time you figured it out." he said as he dug his claws into my sides. "and soon Willow will be mine."

Rolling to the side to get his claws off of me I charged him again this time grabbing his throat between my teeth. "She will never be yours." I growled out as I closed my jaws severing his jugular and dropping his lifeless body to the ground.

"Explaining this to Willow is going to be interesting." I thought as I joined the others in retreating back to our pack to regroup.

Hope you all enjoyed. Special shout out to @mega_corpuz2000 for sticking with me through out this story. Thank you so much for pushing me to continue this story with all your support, it means alot to me.


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