Chapter 2

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Climbing into my jeep, Rein turned on the radio. We started jamming out to some of our favorite songs, which slightly boosted my spirits. I wanted nothing more then to escape my thoughts of Xavier and just relax for a while so I vowed that's just what I would do. When Maroon 5's Sugar started playing I squealed in delight and turned the radio up. Rein and I looked at each other with huge smiles and gave into the lyrics.

At the mall Rein pulled me in and out of different stores. After a while I started to relax and have fun even trying on random outfits that I would otherwise never be caught dead in. Rein always knew what to do to raise my spirits. We shopped for a few hours and I bought a few new outfits, a couple band t's, and a much needed bathing suit. Then we decided to grab some lunch.

"I told you I knew what would make you feel better" Rein said as we walked into the food court.

"I know, thanks Rein I don't know what I would do with out you" I said pulling her into a hug.

" No problem Willow you can always count on me. Now what do we want to eat."

Scanning the food court I stopped dead in my tracks when I spotted Xavier standing by the pizza place staring right at me. "Shit" I cursed and went to turn the other way when I ran smack dab into Vince.

" Woah Willow what's wrong." He said as he grabbed my arm steadily placing me back on my feet.

"Oh sorry Vince I didn't know you were there, excuse me for a minute" I said as I rushed off to the bathroom.

I splashed some water on my face to calm me down and starred at my reflection in the mirror. "Ugh how can he make me so disheveled in a matter of seconds?" I said to my self.

"Because he is our mate and your avoiding him" my wolf barked back. " Don't you think I know this, I want him as bad as you but what if he doesn't want us?" I yelled back at her which seemed to shut her up at least for now. I cleaned myself up, fixed my make-up and walked out of the bathroom.

Just as the door shut I was pinned against the wall. Swallowing a yelp, I looked into the eyes of my attacker only to see Xavier's mesmerizing eyes staring back at me. My wolf was purring in his presence clawing to get out as my heart was fluttering in my chest.

" You ever let him touch you again like that I will rip his head off his body. Do you understand me? You are mine." He said be for releasing my arms running his fingers along my jaw. He stopped to pull my face up so I was looking right into his eyes as he leaned in and whispered "and don't you forget that" then walked away.

I just stood there completely baffled, my skin still sizzling from where he touched me. Why would he tell me I'm his then walk away with out a second glance? And why would his only words to me be a threat against Vince? He was only keeping me from falling on my butt. Does this mean he accepts me? But if he accepts me why would he walk away? My head was swimming with unanswered questions as I walked back to my friends.

"You okay?" Rein and Vince asked me.

"Yeah Yeah I'm fine, had to pee is all." I said plastering a fake smile on my face.

"We got you some pizza" said Vince as he pushed a plate my way. I mumbled a thanks as I reluctantly took a bite glancing over toward the pizza place to see if Xavier was still there. I spotted his group when I noticed a blond haired girl walk up to him and plant a kiss on his lips. I knew it could be none other than that bitch Melissa. She was such a skank that literally threw herself at everyone yet Xavier didn't push her away.

My heart sank at the sight and my anger boiled in my veins. It took everything I had to suppress the growl that was lodged in my throat. I guess I got my answers I thought to myself as i stood up and marched out of the room before I shifted. How dare he attack me about Vince grabbing my arm only to go kiss some slut right in front of me, I thought as I finally reached the mall exit. I dashed into the woods near by and allowed my wolf to take over. I needed to run, to escape this betrayal and confusion I felt. Shaking out my light grey coat, I sent a quick message through our mind link to Rein, telling her to take my jeep home before I blocked my mind and just ran.

I must have been running for hours as it was now dark when I stopped to hunt. I was starving by this time since I only took a bite of my pizza before storming out of the mall. I was still furious and hurt by Xavier's actions but I pushed the thoughts aside trying to calm down and gave myself up to the thrill of the hunt. After I took down a buck and devoured every last piece I decided it was time to go home.

When I got home I was extremely exhausted and my anger had barely abated. I noticed my shopping bags were in my room and there was a note from Rein on my desk that read, Hey girl I hope your okay. I seen what happened. That was such a jack-ass move for him to pull. I hope your not mad but I couldn't resist. I dumped my milkshake over his head and got it all over Melissa's skirt.... I burst out laughing at this picturing the scene in my head. Gosh I love my fiery best friend, I thought then continued reading. I gave your mom your keys and told her you went for a run. Let me know when you get home. If I don't hear from you by 10 I'm sending a search party lol. Love you girly, xoxo Rein.

I smiled and sent her a quick text telling her I was home and that I would call her in the morning. I was still hurt, angry, and now tired and wanted nothing more then to forget today had happened. Getting out pajamas, I quickly showered, curled up in my bed, and fell fast asleep.

Thank you so much for reading my story. It means a lot to me. Next chapter will be in Xavier's point of view.

Thanks xo Lily

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