Chapter 15

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I woke up and stretched, excited but also nervous for what the day ahead held for me. The mating ceremony was tonight and after this Xavier and I would be mated as one, then take our place as Alpha and Luna shortly after. My grandfather had a whole different ceremony planned for that but at the moment that doesn't matter. Training with the pack does, and the prospects of training to come left me feeling a bit uneasy. I'm not sure that I'm fully ready for the responsibilities of being Luna yet. Can I take charge and be a leader?

I shook the thoughts away along with the sleepiness and got my things gathered for a shower.  Showering quickly, I dried off and slipped  into a pair of track pants and a tank top. I gathered my wet hair into a messy bun and laced up my trainers just as a knock sounded at my door.

"Come in." I answered. The door opened to my grandfathers beta Colton.

"Combat training starts in five minuets. Alpha Paul sent me to get you." He said with authority.

" I'm ready." I answered and followed him out of the room.

Once everyone arived at the training grounds, my grandfater adressed us. "Xavier trained the fighters of the Silver Paw pack, so he will be training us the same way. That way we will be able to know their moves and know what is coming. Once we all finish training his way we will tweak it to allow us to over power and gain the upper hand. Willow has already completed this training with Xavier so she will help."

Taking our places, we began training. We trained them in their human form first making sure each of them got down all the techniques before moving on with our wolves.

"Xavier and I will now train you in our wolf form. We will shift and spar first then we will instruct you to shift and follow along. Remember while you are in wolf form your instincts will want to take over especially for you young wolves. You must stay in control at all times during training or you may get hurt or worse." I said while scanning the crowd.

My gaze landed on my grandfather as the look of pride shone in his eyes. He was proud of me and my ability to take command. Maybe being Luna wouldn't be so hard after all. I continued to scan the crowd when my eyes landed on some teenagers who were goofing off. I hardened my gaze and strode toward them.

"Insubordination will not be tolerated." I said unapproving of there actions.

They bowed there head in submission and mudderd apologies as I walked away to meet Xavier at the front of the pack.

Smiling Xavier leaned in and whispered, "You're going to be a great Luna." Then he kisses me on the forehead and turned back to the pack to continue training.

"Let's begin." He said before shifting to his wolf.

I followed and shifted too preparing myself to spar with Xavier. We demonstrated different attacks and counters then told our pack mates to proceed and practice what we showed them. Xavier and I continued to spar circling each other. I watched his moves as he lept for me and I dodged his attack. Turning quickly I used a counter attack but Xavier was to fast for me and pinned me to the ground. Our close proximities made it hard to control the pull and I watched as Xavier's eyes darkened.

"We got this now. Go freshen up and we will pick this up tomorrow." Alpha Paul said using his alpha voice.

Xavier shook his head and trudged off shifting behind a tree and pulling on some pants before he returned. "I'm sorry." he said then walked inside.

I shifted pulling on an over sized shirt and went to my room for a shower. In a few short hours our ceremony will begin and this will no longer be my room as Xavier and I would be moving to a suite reserved for the high ranking mates of the pack. Most of my things were already transfered over except for my gown and everything else that I will be needing for the ceremony.

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower watching the steam fill the room. I stepped in and allowed the hot water to roll over my body relaxing my muscles. Tonight is a huge night for me but someone is missing and I miss her terribly. I miss my best friend Rein.

I finished showering and wrapped up in my robe walking out to my room. There sitting on a stool was my mom with a huge smile on her face that quickly fell when she saw my frown.

"What's wrong dear." She asked coming over to me.

"I miss Rein mom I wish she was here with me." I answered sadly.

"Actually I have something for you come with me." She said then led me down the hallway.

We stopped outside a door and she told me to close my eyes then put her hands over them to make sure I couldn't see. I was buzzing with anticipation at this point but let her lead me inside.

"Okay now open them" she said taking her hands away. I opened my eyes slowly and there in front of me was a smiling Rein. I cried out in happiness and wrapped my arms around her.

"Miss me" she said laughing and hugging me back.

"Yes absolutely but how..." I began before my mother replied.

"Xavier knew you would want your best friend here with you so he talked to Alpha Paul and they sent for her. Leon is here too. Alpha Paul made them pack members this morning when they arrived." She said with a smile.

"I love Xavier even more!" I yelled excitedly.

"I'm glad you love me." I heard him say as he entered the room.

I ran to him thanking, hugging and kissing him as tears of joy ran down my face. He smiled and wiped them away.

"I will do anything to see you happy Willow." He said kissing me again.

"Alright now break it up you two its time to get ready." My mom said ushering me away and back to my room with Rein in tow.

"What about a dress for Rein?" I said.

"We got one earlier while you were training. Its really pretty and purple." Rein said with a smile. "Now come on let's get ready." With one final glance at Xavier down the hall I entered my room to get ready for tonight.


Pic is of Rein's dress!!

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