Chapter 16

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Pic is of Willow, Julie, and Rein's hairstyles!!

   Once we stepped into my room the chaos began. Rein went to shower while I dried my hair as it was still wet from earlier.

"Knock knock." Julie said as she entered the room. " I brought in our shoes and make up. Our dresses are on the right side of your closet right?" She asked.

Nodding my head I returned to drying my hair as Julie got out our dress bags and hung them on the closet door.

"There are three bags here, did you get another dress?" Julie asked as I turned off the hairdryer.

"Oh no that's my friend Reins dress. Xavier had her brought here from our old pack and Alpha Paul made them members this morning while we were training. I'll introduce you as soon as she gets out of the shower."

With that Rein walked out of the bathroom. "Speak of the devil, Julie this is Rein, Rein this is Julie." I said introducing the girls.
Smiling at each other they shook hands and returned to getting ready.

  "So what are we going to do with our hair?" Rein asked me while I finished my make up.

" I'm not sure any ideas Julie?" I asked.

" Hmm... why don't we do each others hair, Its always easier to do someone else's rather then your own so I'll do Rein's, Rein can do yours and you can do mine."

"Great idea" Rein said and we proceeded to do each others hair.

   After our make up was done and hair finished we slipped into our dresses and prepared to go down stairs. Night had fallen and it was time to begin. I was happy that my two best friends clicked so well as I needed them both equally right now. I was shaking with excitement and nervousness. Tonight would be the first night that Xavier and I would be staying together as one completely bonded and also the night when we would let our animalistic sides take over and I would be changed forever.

"So are you ready to lose your innocence?" Rein asked wiggling her eyebrows suggestively while Julie giggled.

"Shut up, you don't know that's going to happen tonight." I said with a blush.

"Oh come on as if we haven't seen the way you look at each other and let's not forget those love bites you were sporting the other day." Julie said.

"Love bites huh, and i wasn't here to tease you damn I miss everything." Rein said nudging my arm.

"Alright already I admit I can't wait to sink my claws into the beautifully sculpted arse of his and..."

"Girls its time" Colton said as he opened the door.

"Oh goddess please tell me you didn't hear that." I said as the girls giggled.

"Heard what, about the claws? Oh yes every word." Colton said barely concealing his chuckle.

   Following Colton outside and to the field where the ceremony was set to take place I remained quiet. Not out of embarrassment but out of shear nerves.

"You okay" Rein whispered.

"Yeah just really nervous." I answered.

"You will be fine just except him and mark each other claim your titles and its over. Then we can party." She answered with a smile and rubbed my back soothingly.

"That's not what I'm nervous about. Its tonight that has me nervous." I stated.

"Oh don't worry about it the bond will take over." Julie said finally joining the conversation. Rein nodded in agreement and soon enough we were in the field.

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