Chapter 13

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Hey guys! In this chapter Xavier and Willow's relationship gets to a new level.


**Warning this chapter has slight sexual content.**
Look for this symbol * this will indicate where it starts so those who prefure not to read that sort of thing can skip. I will put another one where it ends so you can pick up there! Happy reading!!!

Willows POV

The following morning I woke up wrapped in Xavier's arms. Slowly I turned toward him admiring his sleeping form. He must have felt me staring at him for he opened his eyes and a soft smile graced his lips.

"Good morning beautiful." He said while brushing some hair out of my eyes.

"Good morning" I said with a shy smile.

"Sleep well?"

"Yeah, most comfortable sleep I've had in a while actually. You?"
"I slept great. I enjoy holding you it makes me feel complete."

Blushing I buried my face in his chest. Xavier pulled me closer snuggling me to him and planted kisses in my hair.

"Thank you for staying last night." I mumbled into his chest.

He pulled away slightly and looked into my eyes. "I can't tell you how many times I wanted to sneak in here and crawl in bed with you just so I could hold you." He replied.

"I wanted to do the same." I admitted turning my face away to hide my blush.

"Your beautiful when you blush Willow, you don't need to hide from me." He said as he pulled my face up to meet his gaze.

Our faces were so close and I could feel his breath fanning across my cheeks. My heart sped up as he got closer and my eyes flicked to his lips. I longed for his sweet powerful lips the taste and feel of them on mine. My mind was in a frenzy and I craved for him in ways I have never wanted someone before. I heard a low growl come from Xavier as he slowly closed the gap between us.

The kiss was soft at first but slowly grew into something that possessed so much need from the both of us. I fisted my hands in his lush black hair and deepened the kiss to which Xavier let out an appreciative growl. It became a fevered fight for dominance as our tongues clashed in each others mouths leaving me breathless.

Breaking apart for air Xavier trailed kisses down my neck to the spot where he would mark me at the ceremony tomorrow. He sucked and nipped at the spot lightly sending sparks and tingles through my body. I let out a low moan and tilted my head to the side giving him better access to my neck while I ran my hands down his perfectly sculpted torso.

I was a flurry of hormones as Xavier slowly made his way to the peak of my breasts nipping the skin lightly. I purred in pleasure as I felt his hands snake under my shirt resting on my belly. He began to rub small circles slowly creeping upward till is thumbs were under the cup of my bra. Sliding his hands under he tugged lightly on my nipples and pulled one into his mouth, making me cry out.

Just then a very excited Julie burst through the door. "Hey Willow are you ready to go...oh my goddess I'm so sorry!"

Completely embarrassed I sat up quickly with Xavier's head resting on my shoulder his face in my neck. He let out an annoyed growl to which I shushed.

"Umm, I'm gonna go now meet me downstairs when your ready to go shopping. We need to get your dress for the ceremony." Julie said blushing and embarrassed to have caught her friend in such a heated moment.

"Oh... um yeah okay!" I replied as Julie walked out of the room.

I let out a sigh and went to get up but Xavier pushed me back down onto the bed his wolf's eyes glowing.

"Xavier" I whispered, "stop we cant."

I knew if I let him go any farther we would end up marking and mating right here before the ceremony and I couldn't let that happen.

"We have rules to follow X." I said rubbing his arms soothingly. Slowly his eyes went back to normal and he sat up looking slightly upset.

"I'm sorry Willow." He whispered.

"Don't be. Believe me I want you too but we can't not now." I replied giving him a light kiss.

"I'm going to shower now, apparently I have shopping to do." I said getting off the bed.

"Yeah I'm gonna go take a cold shower now" Xavier replied running his hands through his hair. With one last look he went to his room for a shower.

Whew getting hot in here lol 😉 

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