Chapter 14

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*Picture is of Willow and Julie's dresses for the ceremony.*


On the way into town to pick out my dress, Julie apologized up and down for interrupting Xavier and I this morning.

"No no its fine trust me. If anything you saved us from marking each other before the mating ceremony. You know how strict my grandfather is and he would have been furious if we marked each other before hand " I said.

"True Alpha Paul would be mad. Since your the future Luna your rules are different compared to the rest of us."

"Yeah I just wish it could be more intimate you know." I said with a sigh. Julie nodded in understanding.

We pulled up to a beautiful dressed shop named Bella's Boutique. Walking in, we were greeted by Bella the shop owner. She was a sweet elderly lady with an eye for fashion, and a warm welcoming demeanor.

"Ah you must be Willow. I've been expecting you. Come this way I have some beautiful dresses lined up to show you." She said as she grabbed my hand and led me to a dressing area surrounded by mirrors.

Turning to Julie she said "I also have some for you miss Julie. I was informed you both would need dresses for a formal event so I prepared before hand. Would you prefer to have your own room or stay here with Willow."

"I'll stay here with Willow. That way we can help each other." Julie said cheerfully.

Bella nodded then began showing us an array of dresses. They were all beautiful and we each chose a few to try on. After trying on five dresses all of which were beautiful but didn't give me that wow factor I was looking for, I saw a beautiful white gown with blue beading that created a flower and vine like design. It was gorgeous and Julie jumped with joy when she saw me in it.

"Wow Willow, that dress is amazing on you! It compliments your eyes perfectly."she said.

Bella clapped her hands, "Perfect dear perfect!" She exclaimed.

I smiled brightly admiring my reflection the dress fit me perfectly, hugging my curves in all the right places. I truly felt beautiful and couldn't wait for Xavier to see me in this dress. I changed out of the dress and handed it to Bella to be packaged then turned to Julie. She was wearing a green gown with beading that stopped at her hips. It fit perfectly with her dirty blonde hair and warm brown eyes.

"You look stunning Julie." I said with a smile.

"You really think so?"she asked spinning around in the dress.


She changed out of her dress and handed it to Bella. Then we went to pick out shoes to go along with our dresses. I chose a blue pair of pumps that matched the beading on my dress perfectly and Julie chose a pair of strapy sandals in silver. We checked out our items with a final hug and a thank you to Bella, promising to see her again soon. She reminded me of a warm grandmother, and I promised myself I would shop there again.

When we arrived at the pack house I took my dress to my room and hung it up for tomorrow placing my shoes beneath it. Just as i was about to lay down Julie knocked then asked if I would like to join her at the pool.

"Sure be down in a minuet." I said then went to change. I changed into my black bikini and grabbed my towel sliding my feet into a pair of flip flops and headed down to the pool.

Opening the patio doors I seen pack members swimming and enjoying themselves. It looked like a back yard barbecue was underway and I smiled loving the idea of a cook out. I scanned the area and seen my grandfather grilling up some burgers. His face broke into a wide grin upon seeing me and he waved me over. I walked to him and he instantly pulled me into a hug.

"Did you find a dress little one?" He asked.

"Yeah its beautiful grandfather, thank you so much for buying me a dress."

"Nonsense, your my granddaughter and you deserve the perfect dress for your ceremony. Becoming the Luna is a big deal."

I nodded my head and gave him another hug and a kiss on the cheek, then went to find Xavier.

"Willow." My mom yelled to me.

"Hi momma, how do you like it here."

"I love it dear everyone is so welcoming and I even assisted in a birth this morning. It was absolutely beautiful." She said smiling.

My mother always did love helping to bring life into the world. Nudging my shoulder she said, " Hopefully the next birth I see is a grandchild. I hear you had quite the morning."

My face went crimson. " Mom nothing happened. Wait how did you..."

"I over heard Xavier mumbling to himself this morning so I stopped to talk to him. I'm glad you both did the right thing and waited dear, you do have rules to follow you know."

"Yes mom, the rules I know."

She rubbed my shoulders soothingly. "I know its hard to resist the pull but it won't be much longer; after tomorrow you will belong to each other." She said kissing my cheek.

I nodded and started to walk away when I heard my mom again. "Oh and Willow, your love bites are showing." She said with a slight chuckle.

I looked down and seen two purple love bites on the peaks of my breasts and blushed. How did I not notice them earlier I thought completely mortified. I spotted Xavier and walked to him. Looking me over a huge smile broke out on his face when he seen the bites.

"You look beautiful my love. I love the new look; my love bites look great on you." He said pulling me close.

"Shut up." I replied smacking his bicep and burying my face in his chest. "I'm completely mortified." I mumbled.

To which he pushed me arms length so he could look at me. "Are you embarrassed to sport my love marks." He asked looking slightly hurt.

"No I'm happy to wear them because I love you, but look at how everyone is looking at me." I said. I watched relief wash over his face and he let out a chuckle.

"Love, they all know how hard it is to resist the mating pull trust me. Besides they know we didn't go any farther by your scent. Stop worrying so much."he said soothingly before saying with a husky growl, "Now come let's go swimming; I wanna see you wet."

"Perv" I said while slapping his arm playfully making him chuckle, then ran for the pool.

Diving in I started swimming trying to swim away from Xavier but he was to fast and caught me in his arms. He pulled me close and nuzzled my neck whispering "I love you." before Julie yelled " Enough PDA already, come on we are starting a game of water polo and we need more players."

We laughed and joined the group of players and played a few games till Alpha Paul called us all for dinner.

We sat with alpha Paul, his beta, and my mother; discussing the plans for tomorrow and finalized details. The ceremony will take place at nightfall but during the day were were to partake in our first combat training. With this we finished our dinner and headed to bed for some much needed rest.

Hope your enjoying the story so far!

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