Chapter 22

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Willows POV

I stomped back to the pack house with more determination then ever. My alpha blood was roaring in my vains charging my body with power and athority. I was mad, steaming mad with a vendetta larger then the pacific.

My hand started to burn where my pack mark was making me growl out and grasp it. Taking a look I saw the change. This was it, my wolf had taken her claim. The mark of the alpha was etched in my Palm.

"Willow," my grandfather yelled, "come it's time."

I followed him to the dining room where our pack was seated for supper. The room fell quiet upon our entrance and all eyes were on us.

"It has come time that I step down." my grandfather bellowed. "I know this isn't how we usually do things but there is no time, Willows wolf has taken her claim and with that I shall give up mine to a new generation. I Alpha Paul Heart of the White Fire pack step down as alpha and appoint Xavier Black and Willow Heart as your New Alpha and Luna. May we prosper under there command."

Xavier gasped and grabbed his hand as his too burned, leaving behind a mark that matched my own. Together we left the room and headed to the study.

"Willow I'm truly sorry. Please don't be mad at me." Xavier begged as he pulled me to him.

"I'm not mad at you Xavier it's your father who did this. And it's your father who will pay."

" I agree Willow, but we can't rush into this. He would be expecting that."

"I want him dead now!" I growled.

"Willow listen to me, I want him dead too but we must be prepared for this. Your letting your rage cloud your judgement." he said while rubbing circles in my arms to calm me down.

Sighing into his touch my wolf gave in. "What do you propose then?"

"We train the pack. All able fighters will train and the children, elders, and woman who choose will stay behind. We will attack in two weeks time. This way I will be able to map out the layout of silver paw territory and give our fighters the upper hand."

"Great idea, you'll be a great alpha yet." my grandfather said surprising us both as he entered the room. "Don't mind me I've just come to listen to the plans." he said with a wave of his hand.

Nodding in response, Xavier grabbed some paper and started to map out enemy territory. "Its best if we attack from here, and here." he said marking points on the map. "Todd would never expect us to come from there."


e continued to map the area for hours till I started getting drowsy.

"Come love, let's go to bed now. You need rest, we prepair the pack for training in the morning." I reminded him while pulling him up from his chair. With a nod he reluctantly followed and together we headed to bed.

Short chapter I know I'm sorry.


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