Chapter 9

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That night after dinner, we retired to our rooms. Xavier had a room across the hall and although I would have liked him to stay with me, I knew it was improper till after the mating ceremony. I layed back and relaxed. I truely loved my new pack but, then again there is still one thing missing, my mom.

Thoughts of my mother brought me to tears. She is probably worried sick by now and I miss her so much. Getting her here will be a task and I wander how they will do it. "I'll make a point to ask my grandfather tomorrow." I thought be for someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." I said, still looking at the ceiling.

Julie walked in smiling and plopped on my bed. "You never told me your mate was drop dead sexy." She said with a giggle.

My wolf growled inside me at the thought of someone else checking out my mate but I quieted her, telling her Julie ment no harm in it.

"You never asked." I said with a shrug.

"I wish I could find my mate." She said dreamily. "I have been 18 for four months now and still nothing. I know at this point he isn't here."

"Why don't you check out some other packs? He is obviously out there somewhere." I said.

Julie sat silently for a while then replied, "Alpha wouldn't allow it. No one has left the pack for any reason since the death of my sister. Jackie was the last one to leave the pack in search of her mate but she was killed by rogues on the outskirts of our packlands five years ago."

"I'm so sorry Julie." I said as I pulled her into a hug.

"It still hurts sometimes but I'm slowly learning to live with it." She said wiping a tear from her eye then changing the subject by asking, "So plans to start your mating ritual will start after Xavier is excepted into the pack. Are you exited?" she asked with a a smirk wiggling her eyebrows.

Blushing I swatted playfully at her arm. " Shush, just wait till you get your mate woman. I bet you tare him up with in the hour."

"Well you know..." she said with a giggle. "Anyway, are you liking your new home?"

"Yes its great but, I want my mom to be here and well, that's still a work in progress." I answered with a shrug.

"Actually I think Alpha Paul sent a team out to get her tonight before Xavier revoked his pack. Once that is complete there will surely be repercussions. I over heard Alpha saying something about preparing for a war once the mating ceremony is complete. From what I understand everything must be rushed along because as soon as he says the words and becomes one of us, Alpha Todd will be alerted due to the severing of a pack bond." Julie said mater of factly.

"I need to talk to Xavier." I said then left the room, went across the hall, and knocked on his door.

Xavier opened the door wearing nothing but a pair of pajama pants. He must have just gotten out of the shower as his hair was still wet and water droplets glistened on his chest making me blush.

"Like what you see?" Xavier said with a chuckle.

I tore my gaze away flushing a deep crimson. "Ummm...can we talk?" I asked still staring at the floor.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah just learned some new information is all."

"Yeah of course, come in." Xavier pushed the door open wider and I entered making my way over to the couch. Once Xavier sat down, I told him everything that Julie told me.

"I'm aware of what may happen Willow, but I don't care. I want this. I want you." He replied cupping my chin.

My heart fluttered and my body got hot. The mating pull was becoming stronger and if we didn't mate soon our wolves would take over. At that moment our eyes locked and Xavier captured me into a passionate kiss, pulling me closer and making my body melt into his.

I felt my back hit the arm of the couch as our kisses became more fevered. Snapping out of this spell my body gets into when we touch, I pulled away slightly leaving Xavier and I panting. He rested his head on mine and whispered, "I'm sorry, I couldn't control myself."

"Don't, your not the only one at fault."

The air continued to spark between us making it hard to stay away. "We better get to bed we have a big day tomorrow." Xavier said huskily. Nodding my head, with one last kiss I agreed and went back to my room and quickly fell asleep.


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