🖤🔱 002 : LOVE TO HATE ME..🔱🖤

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"~Sometimes love blossoms, or it just decays.~"


'Xiao zhan', looked at Yibo with his usual dreamy look, as Yibo said "here, I got this for you, it's just a little gift".

'Xiao zhan', wanted to hug Yibo so bad, but he wouldn't want to ruin the mood or scare him off..
"Thank you Yibo!" He said, as he smiled.

*'Xiao zhan', couldn't help but say, in a low, and loving tone "you look so cute when you smile." He said, with a blush covering his face..

'Wang yibo', angrily said "Im not even smiling dumbass."

*'Xiao zhan', giggled, "oh come on, yes you are, I can see it!" He said, blushing even harder, he was embarrassed.

*'Xiao zhan', then thought, *"he definitely likes me back right? no one is this kind to someone, unless they want something more.."* he didn't want to get his hopes up too high, but he couldn't help but feel excited, he just hoped that Yibo will realize his true feelings soon..

*'Xiao zhan', decided to act a bit more playful, he felt like he couldn't be himself, when around Yibo, and it was upsetting him, he wanted to show Yibo his true self, and also, he's already eighteen, and shouldn't be so shy and sensitive, right? So he tried to be more playful and flirty with Yibo, hoping that he would respond in a positive way to it..

*Yibo did the unthinkable, he stuck his tongue out, teasing zhan.*

*'Xiao zhan', felt his heart stop, he couldn't believe the change in Yibo's behavior towards him, he didn't know how to respond.

*'Xiao zhan', stuck his tongue out back, in a teasing way, his face felt so warm, "ha! You look funny with your tongue out!" He said, in a cheeky tone..

*'Xiao zhan', felt his heart, beating out of his chest, when Yibo suddenly pushed him, and pinned him against a wall, he had a strong and powerful grip, the force of it made his heart flutter..

*'Xiao zhan', didn't dare say another word in fear of him getting angry again, so he stayed quiet, in a bit of a trance..

*'Xiao zhan', slowly looked at Yibo's eyes, and felt a tinge of his heart being pulled away, he felt a strange feeling, when he looked at Yibo's eyes, he was hypnotized, he looked away quickly, the feelings he was getting were new to him.. He hoped that Yibo didn't notice the way he looked at him, and he had a small smile on his face, when he looked away from Yibo's eyes..

*'Xiao zhan', was still stunned as Yibo grabbed him, he felt like he was in a dream, a nice dream..

After Yibo had left, he was finally able to process, what had just happened..

"He likes me back.. He really does.." He said, as he had a small smile, on his face..

He wanted to see Yibo, and confront him, about the way he felt for him. "I'm going to see Yibo, and talk to him about my feelings for him...again." He said, with a slight sad smile on his face..

*Xiao zhan invited yibo with him, to go to a very special place, It was xiao zhans favorite place as a child, and still is, It was a Small Cherry tree behind his families Mansion.*

'Xiao zhan', was so happy that Yibo agreed to come with him, he thought it would be a magical moment, for him and Yibo.. He was excited, and felt the butterflies back in his stomach, while waiting for Yibo to arrive..

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