❤️‍🩹🧸024: MERCY, APOLOGY?🧸❤️‍🩹(PART 3/5)

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Yibo was given bread and some water once every two days, But secretly xiao zhan snuck downstairs into the torture chambers and brought yibo some of his dinner, yibo looked at xiao zhan blankly.

"Why have you not finished your food?" Wang yibo said in a kinder tone than the last time they have spoken.


"Well, because...bread isn't enough for you, so i thought i should give you whatever i don't finish in my meal...just take it!" Xiao Zhan said, feeling a twinge of embarrassment and shame together at showing care for his past abuser.

"Sean Zhan, finish your food." Yibo said calmly, but not coldly.

"But bo—" Yibo cut him off.

"Now. I'm fine." Bo-di said.

"...Yibo, if i help you escape, will you do something for me that is long overdue?" He said, his tone becoming more intense.

"And what is that?"

"Apologize. To me. For everything." Xiao Zhan said with seriousness and a little bit of anger.

"And once you do, i have something to tell you."

"Mn." Yibo muttered, nodding once.

Xiao Zhan went up to Han Dong's bedroom, grabbing the hot-chains key from the drawer.

he snuck back downstairs in the chamber and released yibo, whom l could not walk well and had a broken arm.

He helped wáng yībó out of the house, taking a taxi to wang liu haikuan's house.

"...Thank you, for everything you have done for me Sean." Yibo said while looking down, in too much pain to talk more.

"...You're welcome." Xiao Zhan said quietly after some time.


Haikuan stared at Yibo, with unamused eyes.

"You deserve this." he said nonchalantly, yibo nodded...

"Brother, i apologize sincerely for everything i have done, from the time that i threatened you, my blood sibling, with your life for doing the right thing which was hiding sean from me, To the time in the hospital when i acted extremely self pitiful and pathetic, not choosing to own up to my own actions, and although at the time i thought i acknowledged my mistake, i didn't really understand to the full extent how my actions have negatively affected the people around me, and disappointed the wang family, and so as the Xiao family. I have yet to apologize to Xiao Zhan, the main victim of my actions and my crimes.
I just hope you can forgive me, this apology is not much, but i promise to change to be better and handle my anger issues accordingly—" Yibo says in one breath, but haikuan cuts him off.

"You are forgiven, but i will never forget anything, ever. I will put this aside because you are my brother and the Yibo on the inside, the one that i grew up with, would have never done the things you have done. But alas, it is done already and you cannot change the past, so you are forgiven. I will let us restart as brothers. I forgive you wáng yibo." Haikuan said with a small smile gently pulling yibo toward him in a hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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