🦁🪦016: ALREADY?...🪦🦁

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Later on, At a specific Club, for elites...Families gathered to a huge and long table, eating and talking together, the only one not eating was Xiao Zhan, who hated everyone around him.

Yibo looked back at Xiao Zhan, who was at the opposite end of the table, he could see that Xiao Zhan had stopped eating....yibo kept his gaze away from him....he felt like zhan was judging him in that moment.......he had never felt more uncomfortable in his entire life.

Xiao zhan got up, and the talking came to an abrupt halt, When His elder sister Xuan Lu spoke up...

"A-Zhan, Where are you off to?"
She asked with a smile...she was the only one that xiao zhan didn't despise at this table, her and Meng Ziyi.

Xiao zhan didn't answer, he just continued walking, he didn't care in that moment who tried talking to him or what Xuan lu said to him.....he just needed to get away from everyone....he looked out of the big window in the dining room, he could feel his rage burning inside of him but he forced himself to restrain himself.... he looked like he was suppressing something inside...he was trying his best to contain his anger....it was only a matter of time before he exploded.

Xiao Zhan stopped walking, his face looked guilty as he thought of his sister and her efforts.....she had always tried hard to stay close to him but he had just pushed her away.....he felt guilty now....he turned around, making his way back to the table, he took another seat and kept quiet......he felt like it was his fault that everyone at the table was being awkward.

Most eyes were on him and yibo, because EVERYONE at the table knew, Pitiful eyes on Zhan while shaming eyes on yibo.

Xiao Zhan's heart was racing, he was on the verge of an emotional breakdown, he didn't know how much more he could handle.....he felt the tension in the air....he wished everyone would just forget about the drama that was happening....his hands were shaking uncontrollably...he was feeling very uneasy....his eyes darted from guest to guest.... he felt like he was an elephant in the room, and everyone was just staring at him, judging him.

A strange person approached yibo, asking him where is the bathroom, he was a deaf man, and he used sign language to communicate, Yibo thankfully knew sign language, he got up and lead the man to the bathroom.

As Yibo was leading the deaf man to the bathroom he caught sight of Xiao Zhan's eyes.... he was staring right at him....he almost froze in place but he managed to regain his composure and complete his task of leading the deaf man to the bathroom.


A body fell to the ground with a heavy thump.

Xiao Zhan instantly jumped up from the table, it's like his heart stopped, he was in shock at what he had just witnessed, he felt paralyzed for a few seconds until he quickly snapped out of it....he ran to where Yibo had been standing...he screamed for Yibo......he felt anxious and worried that something bad had happened......he wanted to make sure that nothing bad happened to Yibo, as he rushed over he felt a wave of fear wash over him.

Carman lee and Everyone else jumped from their seats, blood tainted the wall facing opposite of the Window, with a shattered window, and a body laying on the floor.

XiaoZhan had immediately gotten on his knees and was checking Yibo's pulse, as Haikuan rushed over to the two of them...Carman lee was standing beside the broken window....she was in utter shock....she couldn't believe what was happening...her heart raced as she waited for anyone to tell her that this wasn't really happening...

Haikuan called emergency services, and Zhang bai jia shook Yibo repeatedly while crying, Yibo was awake, but alarmed and in a state of shock, his face was one of Utter confusion and disbelief, he did not process the pain yet.

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