🔥💙 018: TRAITOR...(PART1)💙🔥

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Everyone in the room immediately went silent...the sound of silence was deafening....it was completely pitch black in the room now, nobody could see anything, there was no light at all. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of Ziyi's sharp inhale of breath.

"Guys...stick close together." Haikuan said.

"Yeah, it's really dark, we can't risk getting separated in this kind of situation. Let's just all stick together and stay as close to each other as possible." Xiao Zhan said, he was already starting to feel a little uneasy in the darkness, he always hated being in the dark like this......he was really hoping that the power would come back on soon.

"I could have been going shopping right about now, hmph, now im going to die with these damn idiots..." zhuo cheng said irritatedly.

"Hey, just chill, we're not going to die, we'll figure out what's going on and we'll fix this, we just have to stay calm and stick together." Xiao Zhan said, he was trying to remain positive and he was trying to keep everyone calm and collected....it was easier said than done, though....he was also starting to get a little worried himself, he couldn't help but wonder what had caused the power to just suddenly go out.

The power came back on, but ZhuoCheng was gone.

Everyone looked around, but there was no sign of Zhuo Cheng....he had completely disappeared without a trace...and that was strange, because he would have had to pass right by everyone to get out without being spotted....where could he have disappeared off to?

Once again, the entire room was shrouded by utter darkness, and the only noise that could be heard was the sound of everyone's breathing, which seemed louder in the silence. "What the hell's going on?" Zhan whispered, his voice barely audible in the dark.

Xiao Zhan was suddenly grabbed by something....it was so suddenly that he didn't have time to react...a strong hand clamped down on him and pulled him away from the group.

Something was injected into xiao zhan's neck.

Xiao Zhan felt a sharp sting in his neck and he tried to pull away from whatever was grabbing him. His vision started blurring, he tried to fight back against whatever was holding him but his limbs started feeling numb....they were holding him so tightly and he couldn't even fight back...was this the end of the road for him?

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Xiao Zhan's vision blurred and his thoughts slowly began to become more and more disorientated, he tried to fight but he couldn't resist....he knew there was no chance of escaping, that he would pass out soon....

His thoughts slowly faded and he felt himself falling into unconsciousness...

Xiao Zhan's eyes slowly opened and he looked around, he was still in a state of disarray but he was aware that he was tied up....alongside him, he saw Zhuo Cheng, who was also bound and tied up next to him. They were in a small, cramped, empty shed, and there wasn't much else in the room apart from the two of them.

Xiao Zhan tried to shout and scream, but the gag prevented him from making a single peep...all he could do was stare at Zhuo Cheng and try to convey his frustration at their current situation.

Zhuo Cheng, on the other hand, remained eerily quiet and calm, he just looked at Xiao Zhan with a completely neutral expression, he didn't seem bothered by the fact that he was bound and gagged at all....it was like he was waiting for something to happen.

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