💚❤️011: Found You, Baby Bunny🔞🔞🔞⚠️⚠️⚠️.❤️💚

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Xiao Zhan glared at him with his tear filled eyes, he could feel his heart break, he had been abandoned by everyone that he trusted, not even Haikuan ge cared for him in the end. He suddenly felt even more betrayed than before, he hated this situation..... and now, he really wished he could die.... Yibo was walking towards him, and he tried to pull his body away from him, but he couldn't get out of the chains.


"Where do you think you are going hm? Think you can steal from wang yibo, leave wang yibo and just live peacefully noh?"

Xiao Zhan glared atYibo, and started crying, he didn't even bother to wipe away the tears that were dropping from his eyes, he was now in his most vulnerable state, he was completely weak, and unable to fight back......He suddenly felt the chains on his wrists tighten, he felt like his wrists were about to be ripped off, his body hurt all over..... he truly hated this situation.

Wang yibo grabbed him by the neck and pinned his body to the ground, kissing him very sloppily, sucking his lower lip harshly and drawing blood because of how vicious he is biting it and sucking on xiao zhans tongue.

Xiao Zhan's eyes widened as he felt Wang Yibo, he started to kick and scream, even his body, but he couldnt get away from Yibo, he didnt have any energy left.... he was completely powerless, he was helpless...... he started to sob even more, crying loudly, this was the most painful experience of his life....

"What? You dont like it bunny? Do you think i liked it when you stole more that 1.2 million dollars?" wang yibo said while tightening his grip on xiao zhans neck.

"D-Don't call me that...." Xiao Zhan cried out while still fighting to break out, he was not very good at resisting against such strong men as Wang Yibo....He struggled harder and harder, tears falling down from his eyes, he felt his blood flowing, it was as if he could feel each and every last drop coming out of his body...

Wang yibo slapped him across his face, with a snarl.

Xiao Zhan cried out in pain, as the slap left a huge red mark on his face, he tried to wipe away the tears from his eyes, though they just kept coming and coming, even more so now...he still tried to fight back, but his entire body felt weakened from the slap, and he still couldn't manage to escape from Wang Yibo....

Wang yibo grabbed xiao zhan and carried him to the bed..

Xiao Zhan started to struggle even harder, he tried moving his body away from Yibo, but he couldn't get too far, he started screaming as well, but Wang Yibo pinned him to the bed, his arm was around his mouth.... Xiao Zhan was getting more terrified by the second, he had never been put into a situation like this before, he had always been taken care of by Haikuan and his shijie.... this situation was terrifying for him.

"Baby bunny, do you know what i will do to you?" Wang yibo asked with a sadistic grin, as he groped xiao zhans ass.

Xiao Zhan was absolutely terrified of what was going to happen to him, and he tried fighting back again, but he kept struggling, nothing he did was working....he also was trying to pull away his arm, but his arms were too weak from the slap, he just looked at Yibo with a look of fear, he didn't wanna know what would happen next...

Wang yibo turned xiao zhan around roughly and spanked his ass.

Xiao Zhan let out a high-pitched yell, as he felt the pain from the spank, he felt like he was about to cry even harder, his heart had broken again.... this whole situation felt like a nightmare to him, he didn't know what was happening, he wanted to leave, but Haikuan was nowhere to be found...... and now he was being abused by Wang Yibo...

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