🪬🎭004: ANGER ISSUES..🎭🪬

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*'Xiao zhan', let out a moan, as he felt Yibo's hand, running across, his smooth skin.. And he couldn't help but, feel even more, excited.. His skin felt so hot, to Yibo's hand,. And he kept moaning, as it felt good, and he couldn't stop it..

"You're really easy, huh." *Yibo said with smirk.*

'Xiao zhan', felt his whole body, shiver, to the sound, of Yibo's voice.. As he moaned, even more, to Yibo's touch, "Mhh.. Yibo?.. " He asked quietly, sounding breathless and nervous.. He kept on, saying Yibo's name, as he was really enjoying this, and he couldn't help but, feel curious, of. "What are you gonna do, Yibo?.. " He asked, nervously, feeling his body, getting hotter..

"You will see."

*'Xiao zhan'*, was breathing heavily, as he felt Yibo's, touch .. "Oh?.." He asked, nervously, as he was trying to get ready, for what, Yibo, had in mind for him..

And his body, was starting to feel, so warm.. As he felt, hot.. And he felt, his heart, beating, so fast, inside, his chest..

*'Xiao zhan!", was breathing heavily, and he looked at Yibo, who seemed satisfied, with what he had done.. Yibo then took off, his shirt, and got on top of Xiao zhan, as he looked him in, the eyes.. The moonlight, from outside, was shining through the window, and it's light, was, lighting up the whole room..*

*The cool, hard length of Wang Yibo pressed against Xiao Zhan's backside. His heart raced as he felt his friends breath against his neck, his warmth seeping into him. It was both exhilarating and terrifying

Xiao Zhan bit his lower lip, feeling the heat rising between them. He could feel Yibo's erection growing against his ass, and it scared him how much he wanted it.

Yibo..this isnt right..we are just.." Xiao Zhan's voice trembled as he tried to resist Yibo's advances. But the look in his eyes, the raw desire that burned there, told a different story.

"okay, not now then." yibo replied, calmly pretending as if none of that happened.

*Xiao zhan*, looked at Yibo, as he was panting, still breathing a bit heavily after what they had just done..

He felt weak, and he felt, like he wanted, to just curl up, all alone, he did not want this..

But he felt, embarrassed, as Yibo acted as if nothing had happened, while he was still staring at him..

"B..Bo.. Yibo?" He then said, and his voice was slightly shaking, as he said his.. Name..

*Yibo*, then noticed, that Xiao zhan, was still looking at him, awkwardly..

He then got up, and went to get himself, a glass, of water, as he drank it, calmly, while trying to ignore, the fact, that his date, chen xiao, was staring, at him..

He was feeling a bit embarrassed, himself.. But he didn't show it, as he looked at Chen xiao, with a blank look on his face..

"What's wrong, hm?.." He asked, slowly..

*'Xiao zhan', didn't reply, he just looked at Yibo, and he felt, like he couldn't get the words out of his throat.. He felt weak and yet he felt, so confused, at the same time, his mind was blank, as he tried to think, of what he was going to say to Yibo.. But he couldn't.. He just kept on staring at him.. Yibo made him feel, very weak..*

"Xiao zhan?.." Yibo then asked, gently, as he put his hand on his, shoulder..

*'Yibo', then realized what, Xiao zhan was talking about.. And he then tried, to look away, as he felt his face, go red, in embarrassment.. But he couldn't, help but, look at Xiao zhan, whose face, was still, looking at him, awkwardly..

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