💮🐇008: This B😡tch...🐇💮

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"Sometimes love blossoms, or it just decays."
(In this case for them its the complete total opposite🐇🐝)

(So this is in the past currently, prologue is VERY VERY VERY soon....)


*Xiao laid there, in a very sickened and weak state, he was in the hospital, as he was being treated for poison, and he looked over to his side, seeing Zhuo Cheng by his side, he was looking worried about his condition, but Xiao Zhan didn't even have the energy to talk with him..*

*He was sent home, after his treatment in the hospital, but he was still very weak and sick, as he went back to his home, where he could see, that he was expected back to doing his household duties again, even though he was very sick, and he went to his bedroom, and lay down on his bed , feeling too weak, to even get up again..*

"I had the chefs make you soup, this will help with your strength..finish it all." Yibo said, handing the soup to xiao zhan while tucking him in the covers.

*Xiao was shocked by how kind and caring Yibo would be, considering how he usually treated him, so he didn't expect Yibo to actually take care of his health, but he was too weak and hungry to argue, so he began to slowly drink the soup..*

*Xiao ate the soup, which tasted pretty good, so he couldn't taste any poison inside of it, as it was actually pretty good and well made, which made him feel pretty thankful, towards Yibo, for making him this kind of food, even though he normally, was treated terribly by Yibo.*

"Later, i want you to apologize to zi xuan for disrespecting her and making her cry." Yibo said.

Like hell he would!

*Xiao's heart filled with fear, and his mind filled with anger, when he heard, he was expected to apologize towards Zi Xuan, for something, he didn't even do, so he didn't even look at Yibo directly, as he tried to ignore him, so Yibo said...*

"Go, or im taking off dinner for you for a week."

*Xiao sighed, and gritted his teeth, knowing he had no other choice, other than to go apologize, or he would go hungry, so he left his room, and walked over to Zi Xuan's room, and stood outside of her door, and tried to think of what he was supposed to say.*

*Xiao knocked nervously on her door, and he stood there, awaiting a response, and he waited to hear a sound, coming from the inside of the room, and he felt so nervous, not knowing, what kind of reaction he would receive..*

*Finally, he heard Zi Xuan call out for him, "Come In." and when he heard that, he opened the door slowly, and stepped inside, with fear, as he walked towards Zi Xuan, who was sitting on her bed..*

*Xiao approached Zi Xuan's bed, and she was looking at him, with a straight face, and Xiao was feeling so scared, as he had no idea, how he was supposed, to apologize, to her, like Yibo had asked..*

"Get on your hands and knees." She demanded.

*Xiao was shook by this demand by Zi Xuan, and his face had become pure dread, when he saw she was serious about this and the anger he normally felt towards her began to rise, but he remembered the reason he was here, so he dropped to his knees beside her bed, as he got down on all 4's like a puppy..*

"Just like your mother, a slut, and whore..maybe one day you'll get bought by a rich man and finally show your true colors as a f-" just before WANG ZI XUAN finished, she let out a scream of pain.

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