⛓️💔012: SUCH INSANITY..💔⛓️

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(Song should match xiao zhans attitude.)


Xiao Zhan suddenly took off the blanket he was wearing. Haikuan was taken aback as he saw the huge amount of bruises and scratches that covered all of Xiao Zhan's body, like he had been beaten.... the bruises started going down from his head, to his neck, shoulders, arms, back, legs, and feet, nearly every inch of his body was covered in these painful bruises.......

Haikuan reached for the ointment he took from yibo's drawer, and he tool a mini paddle for applying ointment, and put it on xiao zhan's bruises and injuries.

Xiao Zhan had to hold in his tears, this was so painful, he was already in so much pain and this just made it worse, but he still said nothing....he wasn't going to yell in front of Haikuan....he had already shown how much he had changed, he didn't want his brother in law to see him in a pitiful state like this...

"Young master Mrs.Wang, Young master Yibo Wang requests an audience."

Xiao Zhan frowned at hearing this, he did not want anything to with yibo again, yet he knew that as of now, he still didn't have much of a choice, so he sighed and said "I will see him."

Xiao Zhan opened the door, his expression was a cold, blank one. Yibo was standing there, smiling, but Xiao Zhan didn't feel anything by this, all he wanted to do was rip his smile apart.....

"Zhan, are you feeling better." Yibo said with fake-ish tone and lie.

"Dont talk to me." Xiao Zhan said, his voice was cold and sharp, he couldn't believe the nerve of this guy, of course he wasn't feeling better, his whole body was still hurting from yesterday.

"Mmm..you really wanna talk to me that way noh?" Yibo said, his smile dropping and his arms wrapped a death grip on xiao zhans waist.

"Let go." Xiao Zhan said, pulling his body away from Yibo, and he backed away, he could not believe the nerve of this guy again, even today he was being possessive of him, but now after he had done these things to him, no matter how he tried to apologize, Xiao Zhan just didn't want to believe him anymore...

"The nerve of you...alright then, see what happens." Yibo said, his hands moving down to grip zhan's ass.

Xiao Zhan was caught off guard and froze when he felt yibo's hands on his ass, he suddenly realized how close and how possessive Yibo was being.......

"Liu Haikuan, Leave the room, and request nobody enter and interrupt me and xiao zhan's private discussion." Yibo said with dark glint in his eyes.

Liu Haikuan looked worried, but didn't say anything and he left the room, closing the door behind him, leaving Xiao Zhan and Yibo alone in the room together......

"Bitch.." xiao zhan mumbled under his breath angrily.

"What was that?" Yibo asked, his voice a bit more aggressive than before....

"Shut up and leave me." Xiao zhan said, rolling his eyes.

"Brat.." yibo responded, leaving Xiao Zhan suprisingly.

Xiao Zhan rolled his eyes, he couldn't believe just how immature this guy was, he couldn't believe how much of an idiot he had been for trusting him all this time....but then he felt a sudden pain on his back as he remembered last night, and he suddenly remembered his anger again, and it built up even more.....

"Get on the bed." Yībó ordered.

Xiao Zhan stared up at him, his eyes were blank and cold as he refused to move, he was not listening to anything that Yibo had to say.....

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