💚⚡️013: MY PLAN EXACTED..⚡️💚

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Yibo came back with a blade.
Xiao Zhan saw the blade and froze completely, his whole body suddenly felt cold with a mix of fear and desperation.

"Are you scared baby bunny?" Wang yibo said with a grin, caressing his hips.

These words made Xiao Zhan's body start to tremble even more, he was starting to lose control, the fear and the rage was causing him to feel like he was about to explode......he wanted to get away but he was completely paralyzed with fear......

These words made Xiao Zhan's body start to tremble even more, he was starting to lose control, the fear and the rage was causing him to feel like he was about to explode......he wanted to get away but he was completely paralyzed with fear......

"I love you bunny." he grinned, nipping at xiao zhan's ear, he is still pretending.

Xiao Zhan didn't reply as he felt Yibo nipping at his ear, he couldn't believe that Yibo would take this to such an extreme......it felt like everything Yibo wanted was to cause him pain and to see him being vulnerable....he felt all his emotions swelling up at once, the fear, the anger, and now also the sadness that was welling up inside of him.....

"My Sister will be spending the week here, treat her with your utmost respect." Yibo said coldly.

Xiao Zhan's body went still when Yibo told him this, he felt even more fear creep into his whole body as he started to imagine what was coming next......the thought of being in this situation alone was bad enough.....now, Yibo was going to bring his own sister into this as well? How far did he plan on taking this situation? Did he really expect him to be respectful and polite while being abused like this?
Later, A Woman named "Zhang bai jia" came in.

now, Yibo was going to bring his own sister into this as well? How far did he plan on taking this situation? Did he really expect him to be respectful and polite while being abused like this?🌸💗🌸💗🌸💗🌸💗🌸💗🌸💗🌸💗🌸Later, A Woman named "Zhan...

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Xiao Zhan heard someone walk into the room, but he was too busy trying to hold back his tears at the thought of having to face another person......it was painful enough being abused by Yibo, but now he was starting to feel overwhelmed with the thought of adding someone else to this situation....

Zhang Bai Jia walked over to zhan.

"Are you Mrs.Wang?"

Xiao Zhan slowly lifted his head to look at Zhang bai jia, he was holding back tears and his expression was filled with rage and fear as he nodded quietly...

"Why so tense? Anything wrong? Need water?" Bai jia said as she reached out her hand to help xiao zhan off the bed.

Xiao Zhan's eyes widened when Bai jia reached her hand out for him, he was overwhelmed by the fact that he was offered kindness and warmth......he quickly pushed her hand away, "NO." He snapped rudely....he felt scared that she too was going to abuse him like Yibo did...

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