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The Doctors removed the bullet from wang yibo, wang yibo did not flinch or mutter a sound of pain.

The doctors had successfully removed the bullet from Yibo's stomach, he hadn't flinched or uttered a single sound of pain....he had simply kept his mouth shut and endured it.....he had held in his screams and groans....he had been extremely silent and stoic...... it was as if the pain didn't even bother him.....he was completely stoic and unemotional while the doctor stitched up his wound....he didn't even flinch once.

Well that was until the doctor put hydrogen peroxide on it.

The pain overwhelmed Yibo's body as the doctor put hydrogen peroxide on his wound, he let out a short shriek of pain before gritting his teeth and holding his breath....he tried to keep his breathing slow and steady like he had already done before but the pain was becoming too much to handle....his face was filled with tension and he could feel his body shaking uncontrollably.

Zhang Bai Jie and Haikuan couldn't help but laugh at Yibo for trying to act so tough....they were both very amused and mocking him for trying to stay stoic and unemotional through the pain.

"Loser..." yibo muttered under his breath with a sour expression, giving bai jia and haikuan the Stink Eye.

Yibo glared at Zhang Bai Jie and Haikuan with a sour expression... he didn't like the fact that they were mocking him for his reaction to the pain....they had no idea what kind of pain he was feeling....they were being inconsiderate and insensitive....he wanted to get back at them for making fun of him but he didn't have the energy.

"Ma, haikuan is being mean." And with that, carman lee glared at haikuan and bai jia.

Carman Lee immediately turned her attention away from Yibo and towards Haikuan and Zhang Bai Jie...her frown was evident on her face and her tone of voice was stern and angry, she didn't appreciate the way they were treating Yibo.

It was the day they would hold an investigation into who the traitor was....Zhan was outside still thinking everything over, trying to figure out who the rat could be....he was deeply concerned about everyones safety, and he needed to find out who was feeding the information to CiCi Liu.... he needed to protect his friends and loved ones, even if it meant having to sacrifice himself in the process.

"Xiao zhan, Come here..." Xuan Lu said, reaching out for her little brother who she hasn't seen in a very long time.

Xiao Zhan immediately turned his attention towards Xuan Lu, he was happy to see her and he was relieved that she was safe....... he walked over to her and took her hand....she seemed to have something important to tell him...

"Divorce Yibo and come live with me and cheng!" she said.

"....I am sorry what?" Xiao Zhan asked, he was completely shocked and caught off guard by what she said.... she was asking him to divorce Yibo?....was she serious or was she joking?


"Nevermind A-Zhan..."


"....No wait a second, you were serious weren't you?" Xiao Zhan asked, he couldn't believe what he was hearing from Xuan Lu.

"I guess so...." Xiao Zhan responded in a monotone voice.... it seemed like he really wasn't in the mood to see anyone right now, he was too busy thinking to himself....but he felt obligated to see Wang Yibo.....

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