👶 022: Where is Sean? PART ONE👶

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(very short chapter from stressed schedule.)

"Get inside, you damn waste of time." Zhang Jingtong said while shoving xiao zhan inside the house aggressively.


"My dear, it's been so long since you've been here..lulu has woken up and she missed you a lot." Crystal Zhang said softly and tired.

"Mom..i need to tell you something, it is urgent." Xiao zhan said with a serious face.

"..what is it?" Crystal zhang said with an also serious face, she looked at Zhang Jingtong who had a bitter face as always, she shooed jingtong away, she angrily left.

"Mom...i-i am...pregnant..i think." Xiao zhan said while looking away in disappointment.

Crystal zhang jumped with glee and excitement at finally getting grand babies but she stopped and went silent when she saw xiao zhan was not as happy as she was.

"Is there anything wrong with the baby? Are you at risk of a miscarriage? What is that sour face for?.." she said with worry in her voice.

"The babies were forced into me by yibo." Xiao Zhan said through gritted teeth, his mother knew Yibo was no-good, so why was she excited and happy at this moment?!..

Crystal zhang went pindrop quiet and nodded, she made a call to Han dong, Xiao Zhan's father.

After said call, Crystal Zhang wonders and asks Zhan if he is keeping the babies and telling wang yibo about it

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After said call, Crystal Zhang wonders and asks Zhan if he is keeping the babies and telling wang yibo about it..

Zhan gave it a good thought, although he gave that big speech to himself about how he deserved better and Yibo didn't deserve to know, he changed his mind, it would be better to tell Yibo...but he had some doubts...

Yibo might try and take his baby away from him..so he dismissed that thought...he would prefer to let him figure it out on his own.

He sent a text to wang yibo.

Xiao zhan: Meet me at XIAO MANSION immediately, i want to talk to you with a few others present.


2 minutes later...
Wang yibo: on my way.


Xiao Zhan paced back and forth in his old bedroom, his heart beating like crazy...

"Why am i so nervous? I'm not scared of him or anything.." he said, looking at himself in the mirror on the bedroom wall.

" he said, looking at himself in the mirror on the bedroom wall

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(Sorry for low quality photo)

Zhan fixed up his hair a bit then he went downstairs, he saw Xuan Lu waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs smiling with yibo next to her, his face cold and impassive.

"Zhan, your husband is here...come downstairs, father is home already." She said happily.

She walked off, but wang yibo stayed for a bit, staring deep into Xiao Zhan's soul with his cold, apathetic expression.

He left, too, after a bit...rolling his eyes slightly as he turned to leave to the dining room.

It made Xiao Zhan feel fear, something he promised to never feel when near wang yibo...

He hurried down the stairs to the dining room once he was called by Han Dong.


"Baba, i'm sorry for my prolonged absence and never visiting you or mom..." Sean said, frowning slightly in shame.

"You have nothing to apologize for, your mother told me Everything." He said, his glare turning to Wang yibo.

Wang Yibo's gaze hardened as he side eyed Xiao Zhan, kicking his leg harshly under the table.

They had dinner together and Wang Yībó was about to leave, but felt himself get dizzy, he remembered he saw the ice in the cup of water was at the bottom...

He fainted.

Xiao Zhan didn't react, neither did Han Dong or Crystal Zhang.

"Have a maid take him to the Torturing Chambers." He said, making Xiao Zhan choke on his food, his mom helped him drink water.


"t-torturing chambers? isn't that a bit too extreme? what type of torturing?" Xiao Zhan said, gripping his fathers shoulder in a panic.

"Didn't you say you endured that abuse for years and he raped a baby into you? yet you still sympathize? torturing is being kind...i could do far worse." Han Dong said, sipping his drink.

Xiao Zhan took a gulp in fear, he sat back down silently.


An hour later, Wang Yibo woke up in the torture chamber tied up, Han dong made his way down the stairs...he asked a servant to heat up the chains to scalding temperature, yibo held back a hiss of pain.

"Ah, yibo...you're awake." Han Dong said.

"What do you want from me.." Wang yibo said while looking down.

"Nothing, i only want to harm you." Han dong muttered nonchalantly.

"You idiot, don't you know i am a psycho?" Wang yībó said while laughing creepy.

"Yea yea...we'll see who's more psycho when it comes to my son..." Han Dong said while putting on his gloves, getting a small blade from a little medical table to his right.

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