😈🕑020: REVENGE...🕑😈

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"you little shi-" before Yibo could continue, xiao zhan kicked him in the face, he pulled out of xiao zhan holding his face in pain.

"Y-" again, before he could finish, Xiao Zhan kicked him hard in the nuts and ran to the dresser where he took out a stun gun, and pepper spray.

"Don't get any closer, you think i'm joking? You think this is a game don't you?" Zhan said,

"I don't give a fuck if you just got out of a coma, i'll put you right back in one if you take another step." Xiao zhan said with an expressionless cold face, he was dead serious about killing yibo if he had to.

"D-Don't..." Yibo whispered, he wanted to move, but he didn't dare to move, he stood still, not daring to move anywhere....

He felt the pain from the kick in his nuts, he wasn't used to this kind of pain....

Yibo's heart started to beat furiously, his breath was quick, he was still holding his nuts...

"P-Put that thing away..." Yibo shouted quickly, his tone was shaky...
— — — —
Xiao Zhan pepper sprayed Wang Yibo anyway, kicking him in the gut. "Asshole." He scoffed.

Xiao zhan left the room, leaving yibo there, as yibo became much more sober, the guilt was eating at him, he regretted doing that to xiao zhan deeply..

"Fuck.." yibo groaned out as he held his stomach.

"W-wait..." Yibo said as he followed behind Xiao Zhan, his hands were still on his nuts...he was still in a lot of pain, but...he THOUGHT that he needed to follow Xiao Zhan....

Yibo was desperate....because of his guilt...

"Don't leave!" Yibo shouted, his tone was desperate, he wanted Xiao Zhan to come back just for a moment...

Xiao Zhan walked on the porch as he heard Yibo following closely behind him, he looked back to him as he still held a firm grip of the stun gun and pepper spray.....

"Don't follow me.." Xiao Zhan said coldly, he kept a firm grasp of those weapons in his hand...

"Just for a minute...."  The words left Yibo's lips quickly, Xiao Zhan could see the desperation and guilt filled in Yibo's eyes....he knew that this was probably the last time that Yibo would ever be honest....

Xiao Zhan kept a firm grasp on his weapons, he didn't dare to let go of them....

Xiao Zhan still held the taser firmly in his hand, the trigger wasn't too far away from his fingers....

Yibo could see the pure malice in Xiao Zhan's eyes....he felt a deep sense of fear....Xiao Zhan's determination seemed so real that Yibo felt more fear....

Yibo couldn't move another step....he wanted to move, but he just couldn't...

"Just one...minute..."  Yibo said frantically, as he got to Xiao Zhan....

He was barely able to get a foot away from him....he was scared that in a single second he would be tased...

"I just want to talk to you..." Yibo said quickly....

"What?" Zhan asked irritatedly.

"Just let me talk to you..." Yibo begged, he wanted to explain himself.....

He wanted to give a reason....

"I have something important to tell you...." Yibo said quickly...

"I don't have all day! Say it!" Xiao zhan yelled.

"I'm...." Yibo hesitated for a moment, the thought of telling Xiao Zhan seemed almost impossible....

That's when a hint of pain entered his eyes...

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