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Wang yibo sighed in annoyance, this was all too much, he rushed everyone back to their respective rooms and showed bai jia where she would sleep.


Xiao Zhan watched as Yibo had rushed Bai jia back into her room while looking extremely irritated and annoyed...now that Yibo had returned to the room, he looked up at him....

"H...hey...." Xiao Zhan said nervously, his eyes widening a bit as he tried to get Yibo's attention.....

"Hm?" Yibo replied.

"I-I wanted to ask you something...." Xiao Zhan said nervously, he was still trying to keep the anxiety out of his voice.....

"Spit it out." Yibo scoffed.

Xiao Zhan flinched when Yibo scoffed at him, it made his heart race a bit faster....but he still tried to compose himself....

"D...do you Prefer Wang Zi Xuan??"

"...Of course i prefer her, you are nothing but a bug under my shoe." He said with a grin.

Xiao Zhan felt his heart completely shatter upon hearing those words coming from Yibo, it was painful as he just looked at him, feeling as if he was being stabbed in the heart....he wished that Yibo could think more like Haikuan does, he felt that Haikuan is at least more caring......


Wang Zi Xuan was at her mansion, enjoying her life as she was currently just laying down on her bed.....she loved enjoying life to do whatever she wanted, no responsibilities, no chores, just enjoying her life....she was relaxing, her hair was down, she wasn't wearing any makeup, she was looking very natural at the moment....

Her mother came in.

Wang Zi Xuan's mother walked into the room, seeing her daughter on her bed just relaxing and doing nothing.....she was a bit worried, even though she doesn't like interfering with Zi Xuan's life too much.....she wondered if she should say something to her.....

"Zi Xuan, i came up with a way to get rid of Carman lee and her children." wang zi xuan's mother said while smoking a cigarette.

".....really....?" Zi Xuan said with a cold tone, her eyes narrowing as she looked at her mother....she knew that her mother was manipulative....so she wanted to see what strategy she had in-store...

"First, we must use their weakness, Wang Yibo is the wang family weakness since he is the most successful of them, and the youngest, Then we aim for His Husband, Xiao Zhan, because we will take things slow, and then we will get Zhang Bai jia, and save Haikuanfor last."

"And how exactly do we plan to use Yibo and Xiao Zhan's weaknesses?......" Zi Xuan asked coldly, she was interested in hear what this plan her mother had created was....

"Xiao Zhan is Yibo's Weakness, Yibo thinks only he can hurt xiao zhan, nobody else can, so he cant stand to see anyone else hurt him, so we will use that to our advantage, Xiao zhan's weakness is His Siblings, And ZhuoCheng is the boyfriend of Haikuan, so it would be a lesson to them both if we Killed Zhuo Cheng instead of Xuan Lu, all this would get to Carman, And she will see what happens when she ruins lives, She ruined our life and family, so we will ruin hers.." Wang zi xuans mom said.

Zi Xuan stayed silent for a few moments, contemplating what her mother had just told her, she was surprised at how well she knew of everyone's weaknesses, she wanted to get revenge too....

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