🕸️🕷️003 : Just a Friend..🕷️🕸️

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"Sometimes Love Blossoms, or it just decays.."


*'Yibo', noticed *'Xiao zhan', asked him about the smell, he turned his head so *'Xiao zhan', could see his face..

He didn't say anything at first, then he sighed, and looked at him, with dead eyes, as he put the car in drive, and started to drive off..

"It's a fragrance, I like putting it in my car.. " Yibo said, with a cold voice..

*'Xiao zhan'* smiled, and looked out the window, the view of the city, was so beautiful, Yibo's driving, was so smooth, and it felt as if they were floating, in sky.. The car was so comfortable, the seats were so soft, he could feel the softness on his body.. everything just felt so perfect..

He looked at Yibo, who was driving silently, and he felt something in his heart, he wasn't sure what it was, it felt like he wanted to feel like this, forever..

*'Xiao zhan', felt like time slowed down.. He was feeling extremely nervous, he could feel himself shaking, when Yibo reached to the entrance of his Luxury Highrise Apartment.

Yibo parked the car, and then opened the doors, as he did, the cold air hit *'Xiao zhan', and he felt a bit of a chill.. But he tried to ignore it, as he waited for Yibo..

"Where are we? "Xiao zhan, asked, as he looked at Yibo..


*'Xiao zhan', noticed Yibo's apartment building, and it was so tall, yet, the building seemed to have an aesthetic look to it..

He was so nervous, he felt his heart beating really quick, he felt like he was shaking just looking at the luxury and the height of the building..

He followed Yibo in the elevator, and they reached the 45th floor, he felt his legs shaking, and they were getting closer and closer, to Yibo's apartment.

*'Xiao zhan', smiled slightly, he was slightly relieved, when Yibo said this. "Thank you so much for letting me stay, Yibo.. "

*'Xiao zhan', tried to sound more friendly, like he wasn't afraid of Yibo..

He followed Yibo, into his bedroom, and once they were inside the room, Yibo locked the door behind them..

*Yibo handed him a medical bag, and some soap.* "If you wanna get the dirt and stuff off of you, The Master Bathroom is to your left."

*'Xiao zhan', looked at Yibo, still a bit wary of his intentions.. But he took the Medical bag, and he started to walk to the bathroom..

*'Xiao zhan', entered the bathroom, and started to undress and wash himself.. When he finished, he looked at the medical bag, he wondered, what was he going to need that for ? But he didn't think much of it..
oh wait, the bruises and marks, that those men did to him...

*'Xiao zhan', realized, they were probably for his bruises and marks, that those men did to him..
"Yibo, are you going to use those on me..  "He asked, as he felt really nervous, and his heart was pounding loudly, he felt himself shake..

He didn't know what to do, he felt so scared.. He wondered, if Yibo was going to hurt him, or if it, was just going to be a normal, checkup..

"Sit down." Yibo replied, seemingly annoyed.

*'Xiao zhan', felt the fear in his heart, as he saw Yibo's annoyed expression, he quickly sat on a chair, as he looked up at Yibo, who still had the dead stare on his face..

He was so scared.. And he didn't quite understand why, he was so scared of Yibo.. But he still felt fear, as he sat there, not knowing what to do...

"Lift your shirt." Yibo said.

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