🔞🔪🪬023: Torture🪬🔪🔞(GRUESOME!) PART 2/5

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Yibo grimaced at the scalpel that was slightly heated...

"What are you going to do with that?" Bo asked, his heart beating much faster.

"Ah, you will feel it soon, by the way, i will let carman lee know." Han Dong said with a warm smile like a psycho.

He ringed carman lee, she answered.

"Han dong, it's very late, what do you want this time of night." she said tiredly.

"Would it matter to you if wang yibo died? Although he is your son?" Han Dong asked with full seriousness.

Carman stayed silent as she thought about all yibo has done, causing nothing but trouble for this family and torturing that poor zhan.

"No. I don't care much, do whatever you want with that man." She said much nonchalant.

Even han dong was a little surprised at bo's own mothers words, so you couldn't imagine the look of terror and hurt on yibo's face.

"Well Bo, you heard it from your mother, she doesn't care much." Han Dong said and hung up the call after some time, yibo thrashed in the chains while groaning and sweating when he felt the newly steaming blade of the scalpel on his skin, burning it, han dong made individual little cuts on yibo's skin, he slowly held the burning tool to yibo's cheek, close to his eye.

"Mm...i remember my zhan said the  pain of after you hurt him, it was like rapid stabbing pains, so..."

Yibo got suddenly terrified out of his mind, but the hot chains kept him painfully in place, scalding his trembling wrists.

Han Dong got a cold knife, yībó screamed loud as he was stabbed the first time, it felt like someone stabbed their fist through his gut with insane speed and strength.

Then another stab,

and another...

and another.

The Last stab was in Bobo's leg.

Han dong smiled warmly at the grimacing and writhing man before him.

he then got some cuffs, put it on yibo's upper arm.

Suddenly when han dong pressed a button, massive shocks went through yibo's body, a screaming frenzy was what this could be titled.

Yibo felt like death could be better than this, much better, and it was only on level 4.

he turned it up to level 6 immediately and yībó passed out within the first shock.

Han dong frowned, he turned it up to 10, and yībó had burnt skin slightly, bloodshot eyes and was shocked awake.

"m-mo...ns...mon..st—er.." yibo uttered out.

"Wang yibo, you make me laugh...i am the monster? me? what about you? you raped my son countless times and put him through years of abuse, noh? so this is me sparing you mercy." Han dong said coldly.

Yibo looked down, he did feel a small little wave of guilt deep, deep, deep down in his stubborn, egotistical heart.

"I dont care.." he muttered, feeling a pang of something in his heart.

He let out a loud scream of agony as a huge crack was heard, Han Dong stomped on yibo's arm, shattering the bone, yibo was sweating and screaming heavily, good thing this place was soundproof.

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