🔥⚡️ 010: WHERE ARE YOU!!!!⚡️🔥

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Yibo said, enraged now.

Haikuan did not speak.


Haikuan stayed silent, not even feeling scared by Yibo, he just waited for whatever was about to happen, but he was ready for it...he closed his eyes, and waited.

Yibo was incredibly angry, he didn't expect haikuan, to be bold enough to just not respond to him, normally, people would be extremely afraid of him, and be shaking in fear, but this time, he had to admit, his elder brother didn't even flinch....

And with no response from Haikuan, Yibo got furious, and stood up quickly, he then rushed towards Haikuan, and slapped him hard across the face, the force was so strong, that it pushed Haikuan slightly back.

"Find my zhan in less than a day, or i will kill your precious lover, Zhuo Cheng."

Haikuan went still, and immediately looked down, Yibo had gotten violent once again, and he was already plotting revenge...... he was going to make Xiao Zhan, pay dearly.... and now, Haikuan's loved one, might become a victim in this war..... he was furious...but he just replied, "Yes, Brother." He said, not wanting to risk his Cheng's life.

"Go, NOW!"

Haikuan quickly rose from the chair he was sitting in, and left the room, he had no time whatsoever to waste... he needed to find Xiao Zhan, and to do it now...he began to sprint back to Cheng's house....

Haikuan arrived back at Cheng's house, he knocked loudly on the door, he was in a rush, and so was trying not to yell or make too much noise.... but he waited for Cheng to open the door.

Zhuo cheng opened the door, rubbing his eyes because he just woke. "What?! You knock on my door at 4AM?! You dare?!!??!"

Haikuan looked at him with a desperate look in his eyes, he didn't have time to explain, since he only has one day to do so, he just begged, "Please, Cheng, i need your help....please....i know its late, but i've been searching the entire night... but i can't find him." Haikuan said frantically, it was obvious that he was trying his best, but he couldn't find Xiao Zhan at all.

"Him? Who?" Cheng said, pulling haikuan further inside.

"Xiao Zhan..." Haikuan said, he took a deep breath, he was going to say more, but stopped himself..... he quickly took a breath again, and replied "I need to find him, i have to get a hold of him, but.... i can't find him anywhere......" Haikuan then sighed, and looked down, as if he was about to burst into tears.

"Ahem..he is upstairs sleeping, why? What is wrong?" Zhuo Cheng said with an intense tensed face.

Haikuan was stunned for a moment, he couldn't believe what he just heard, he had wasted half of the night looking for Xiao Zhan, trying his best to find him, but he was safe in this house, all along?? He knew it was too good to be true, nothing could be that easy... He let out a sigh, and looked at Cheng "Nothing...." he lied, he then looked up again, "can i talk to him? Just one minute, thats all i need."

"Yes." Zhuo cheng opened the door and woke zhan.

Xiao Zhan was already half asleep, when Cheng woke him up, and he opened his half closed eyes, he quickly became alert, and sat up quickly once he saw Haikuan standing in front of him "k-kuan—ge??" he said, as he looked up at Haikuan, his whole body just filled with relief, he then turned to look at Cheng, who was still standing there, he knew they had something to talk about, even though he didn't know what.. but he just quickly stood up, and went to Haikuan.

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