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The police arrived on the scene quickly, as did the paramedics.

Everything was pure chaos, with the paramedics trying their best to treat everyone's injuries and get them all medical attention, while the police officers were investigating the scene and trying to piece together what happened....

"Young master is in a coma!" One of the servants rushed toward carman lee, pointing toward Yibo who was on the stretcher

Carman Lee's eyes immediately widened with concern as she rushed over to Yibo's side.

"My son....!" She exclaimed frantically, "My poor baby boy...Please help him, he needs to be woken up from his coma! He can't be like this, he has to wake up!"

The paramedics were doing their best to treat Yibo, but Carman Lee's motherly instincts kicked in and she refused to leave her son's side until he woke up....

After several hours of treatment, Xuan Lu was fully stabilized and was no longer in life-threatening condition. She was still unconscious, but she was now out of danger. Zhuo Cheng was also stabilized and was no longer in life-threatening condition, he was also out of danger.

The paramedics had done their best to treat everyone, but Yibo was still in a coma, which was paramedics and some main concern.

After everything that had happened, Xiao Zhan visited Yibo the most, he was unable to leave Yibo's side for a second.

He stayed at his bedside the entire time, he talked to Yibo, he sang to Yibo, he even read some books to Yibo....he did everything he could to try to keep Yibo calm and comfortable while he slept in his coma...

- 1 month later, xiao zhan was waiting with others in yibo's hospital room.-

1 Month had passed since the incident...

Xiao Zhan, Zhang Bai Jie, Carman Lee and everyone else were still visiting Yibo's hospital room....they were waiting for him to wake up....

They had hope.....

Zhuo Cheng, Ci Ci Lu and Wang Zi Xuan were all in jail....they were all facing charges for attempted murder, attempted arson, corruption of minors and other charges...

ZhuoCheng deeply regretted his actions, he missed haikuan and the others deeply...

It had been a rough, long month.....

Zhuo Cheng only had to face 4 years in jail, he was given a lighter sentence because he was manipulated and coerced into doing this, and he was not the master mind.

Haikuan walked into the jail cell, Zhuo Cheng immediately got up and hugged him tightly.

"Haikuan..." Zhuo Cheng whispered, tears springing from his eyes, he hugged Haikuan tightly as he buried his face into his chest.

Haikuan pulled away, his eyes were filled with tears too...

"I cant forget, but i will try to forgive you, I will never forget when you shot Yibo in the chest so nonchalantly like it was nothing." He said, remembering the horrid scene.

"I....don't expect forgiveness....I don't deserve it...I know that...you don't have to forgive me..." Zhuo Cheng said softly, his eyes filled with remorse and regret, he didn't expect forgiveness, he didn't even expect empathy....he was accepting the consequences for his own actions.......

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